
Donald Marshall Revolution

About Donald Marshall

These are the accounts of Donald Marshall, a former Illuminati insider turned internet whistleblower. We came across Donald Marshall's online posts in late 2011, detailing his firsthand accounts with a powerful global organization known as the Illuminati. He describes their secret involvement in such criminal acts as murder, kidnapping, torture, rape, child abuse and child exploitation. As a victim himself of the Illuminati, Marshall details his own experiences of torture, kidnapping and abuse at the hands of this large global conspiracy, reaching shocking levels of depravity. Marshall exposes many major Illuminati political players such as Queen Elizabeth, her husband Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He also names many other world leaders, politicians and famous celebrities secretly involved. Many of Marshall's claims can be substantiated by events catalogued by public and private organizations, such as Child Abuse Recovery, a division of Trauma Research Center, Inc. and the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, which found Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia on October 10th, 1964.

Donald Marshall Revolution is an unofficial and unauthorized website created to help spread information about critical issues of global public interest and concern.


The Donald Marshall Story - Part 1: The Awakening

"My name is Donald Marshall. I've been cloned…"

So begins the accounts of former Illuminati insider turned whistleblower Donald Marshall who, in late 2011, published an online expose detailing his eyewitness reports of the crimes committed against innocent citizens that, he claims, take place nightly in deep underground military bases around the world.

Conspiracy theorists have long contended that major world events are under the direction of a powerful global coalition of wealthy secret societies known collectively as The Illuminati.

They hold that this shadow government has been orchestrating world events for many years, long promoting a hidden agenda, which includes the ultimate control of all areas of society from banking, business, politics, military, education, religion, medicine, media and entertainment.

Donald Marshall has risked his life to speak out about this select group of individuals who, he says, maintains world control without the majority of the public made even aware.

He says that their vast member base includes royal bloodlines, prominent wealthy families, influential members of finance, banking, media and entertainment, as well as religious leaders and politicians, all of whom agree to join and participate within the organization.

He explains that while members within this elite club enjoy access to unlimited opportunities, in exchange, they must agree to participate in secret meetings, held nightly in deep, underground military bases on highly restricted property. There they utilize top-secret cloning technology to meet as clones during their dream state, to discuss and plan future events, while the rest of us sleep.

Sound impossible?

Not so, says Marshall, who states that the practice of human cloning is far from new, and maintains that covert experiments in genetic engineering have been conducted by Illuminati scientists for many decades.

He explains that beginning in the 1940's, human cloning technology was used as a way for world leaders to meet in secret in order to plan and discuss future events.

Over time, however, they got bored and began to clone others and bring them to the cloning center, as well. Famous movie stars, artists, musicians, and celebrated sports figures, were all cloned and personally delivered to the Illuminati, in order to indulge their every fantasy.

Marshall says that in time, this slowly degraded as members began showing off for the rest, resulting in committing shocking acts of depravity, including crimes such as murder, kidnapping, torture, rape, child abuse and child exploitation.

Marshall claims to have witnessed numerous crimes committed by many members of the Illuminati since early childhood as an unwilling participant in many covert government projects.

He states that he remembers attending these secret meetings as a child as young as 5 years old.

However, while Marshall can relate in detail the events that took place at the cloning center every night, he reports that he could never remember how he got there and, at the time, believed that he had been kidnapped during his sleep.

Marshall says that he had no understanding of a top-secret technology known as R.E.M-Driven Consciousness Transfer which is used to transfer one's individual consciousness during the natural REM cycle of sleep into an identical clone located at a cloning center many miles away.

Marshall explains that when he goes to bed at night, his consciousness is stolen while he sleeps and is held hostage until his real body wakes up. He maintains that this consciousness transfer happens almost every night, even though his real body never leaves the room, and continues to sleep through the night.

Once his real body eventually wakes up, however, his clone body drops limp. Marshall says that all goes black and, as he wakes up, his consciousness quickly returns to his real body.

Marshall claims that this transfer can only take place once the brain has fully entered the REM sleep cycle. Once you begin to dream, he says, they can steal your consciousness and bring you wherever they want.

As Marshall reports, "I go to sleep at night, [at home in Eastern Canada] and an hour later, I open my eyes to find myself, naked, on a stainless steel rack, at a cloning center hundreds of miles away." While he says he doesn't know the exact location, Marshall surmises the center is built underground on highly restricted property in Western Canada.

Disoriented at first, Marshall says he finds himself lying in a room filled with computers, one nearby is monitoring his brain wave patterns.

Marshall explains that a green light on a control panel will light up to indicate when the subject has entered REM sleep. Then, he says, "workers there just push a button and you open your eyes, in the clone zone".

This is the way large numbers of Illuminati members meet every night in complete secrecy, with no chance of discovery.

Marshall claims that when one considers that there are many thousands of Illuminati members being activated in deep, underground military bases around the clock, in different time zones all over the world, that the level of organization involved is staggering.

Marshall is often asked how he came to be selected to participate in these top-secret government programs, especially at such a young age.

According to Marshall, his childhood was "normal enough", as he grew up, living with his mother, step-father and three brothers in the harbor city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on the Atlantic coast of Canada. 

Smart, athletic and popular, Marshall excelled at both sports and academics in school. After graduation, he found success working in building and construction.

"Life was good," says Marshall, until the day shortly after his 30th birthday.

Marshall explains that he was living in Dartmouth at the time, right across the bay from the city of Halifax. He remembers opening his eyes one night to find his roommate standing over him.

"Come with me," he said.

As Marshall started to get up, he discovered that he was not sleeping in his bed, but was resting on a narrow cot.

Looking around, he noticed that he wasn't in his bedroom, but was instead inside a small, dark room with thick concrete walls, empty except for the cot.

"What's going on?" Marshall wanted to know.

"Just come on," his roommate replied.

Silently, Marshall followed him out of the room and down a corridor that opened onto a wide concourse. As he looked around, Marshall realized that he was inside some type of large indoor sports stadium, although he had no idea how he had gotten there.

I thought I had been kidnapped, Marshall remembers.

As he got closer to the main gate, his roommate stepped aside, and Marshall entered the brightly lit arena alone.

Looking around, Marshall saw that he was surrounded by crowds. He quickly scanned the faces of those sitting in the dark, all watching, all waiting…

Loud music began to crank through loud speakers as he began to walk toward the center of the arena. Marshall immediately recognized Guns N' Roses' 1987 heavy metal classic Welcome to the Jungle as it played over the stadium sound system.

I am so dead, Marshall thought, as he sensed a silent threat from those gathered, as if all had arrived here to witness some sort of blood sport, with his murder served as their entertainment.

Well, he thought to himself, if they think I'm going to cry and beg for my life, screw it…

Marshall figured that if he wasn't going to get out of there alive anyway, he might as well give them what they came for…

Showing off his rock star moves, Marshall began jumping, thrashing, grinding, and head-banging, as he shredded the strings of his air guitar, screaming: Welcome to the Jungle…We've got fun 'n' games…We got everything you want…honey, we know the names...

As soon as he began to sing, though, the music abruptly stopped.

"You remember, don't you?"  someone called out.

"I remember nothing. Where am I?"

"You don't remember anything?"

"No, I don't," Marshall said, "I don't know why I'm here. You must have me confused with someone else. Look," he said, "if you're going to kill me, just do it and get on with it. I've seen your faces. I'm not getting out of here…"

"You're not going to die," they answered, "You're just going to wake up back in your bed."

"Then, if I'm not going to die," he said, "I want to go now."

Marshall says that next they told him that he was very special, and then all went black.

When he opened his eyes, Marshall found himself back in bed, with his heart pounding and mind racing.

What was that? he thought. Had he just been dreaming? It had felt too real to be a dream, but if it wasn't a dream…what was it?

What Marshall didn't know was that he was not in his real body while at the cloning center, but was activating an identical clone. He would come to learn that he had not been kidnapped or abducted at all, in fact, his real body never left and was still sleeping in his bed back home. He would later find out that while there, he was in temporary use of an identical clone body that feels, according to Marshall, as real as real.

What's more, those he met at the cloning center weren't in their real bodies either. They were also activating clones as well and actually lived all over the world.

At first, he didn't tell anyone, but in time Marshall decided to share his "dream" with a few friends. While they didn't know what to think, they all believed him, for Marshall was known to tell the truth. It was clear that something was happening to him, but no one knew exactly what.

Marshall says that over the next several weeks, he began to remember more. He became aware of the many different times he had been there before, from early childhood on. Although, he didn't know where "there" was, he began to wonder if he was being brought to another dimension of time or an alternate reality.

Marshall decided to move back to Halifax and stay with a buddy, although by now some friends had begun to distance themselves, afraid that whatever was happening to him, would start happening to them next.

"I knew it wasn't a dream. It was something else," remembers Marshall. "It was too real to be a dream. But then, I thought that maybe it just seemed real to me because I was losing my mind. Maybe I was going crazy."

And for the first time in his life, Marshall would realize just why he could never seem to remember his dreams…because he never had any.

As more memories returned, Marshall says he would jolt awake at night with searing chest pain, his heart gripped in spasms as his body re-experienced the trauma from the events that took place there. It was always the same place, he recalled, the same big sports arena filled with crowds watching, as different people hurt him, in different ways.

He remembers that he would wake in crushing pain, with his heart pounding and body shaking, trying to breathe as new memories began to surface. He worried that one day his heart would fail and he wouldn't make it. He decided that he had to do something to shut this place down, whatever it was, wherever it was, this just had to stop.

Marshall decided to start with the police. One morning, he went to police headquarters in Downtown Halifax, in order to make a public report.

He tried to explain to the officers that when he goes to sleep at night, he pops up in this other dimension, that there were lots of other people there, too, doing terrible things to others and that something has got to be done about it. Marshall said the police just told him to go home, suggesting though, that he might want to go to the ER to get himself checked out by a doctor.

From there, Marshall contacted Canadian Intelligence, and visited the regional headquarters for the CSIS, located downtown.

Marshall says he approached the two officers in charge, telling them that he had to tell them something and began again, saying that when he goes to sleep at night, somehow he is taken to another dimension or something, where the people there hurt him, and hurt others, and that this needs to be investigated and stopped.

"You want me to police another dimension…?" the officer replied.

Then, Marshall says, two psychologists, both female, stepped out from a nearby office.

They introduced themselves and said they wanted to talk to him.

At first, they expressed concern for him and began to ask him many questions about his dreams. Could he describe his thoughts and feelings about them?

Next, they encouraged Marshall to check himself into a psychiatric ward right away for a full evaluation in order to get help with these disturbing dreams.

Instead, he walked out, his mind racing.

Somehow they knew that I was coming, Marshall thought. He surmised that they planned on getting him locked up in some mental ward, so they can dispose of him later.

Where would he go now?  he wondered.

That night, when Marshall fell sleep, he opened his eyes to find himself back at the same arena, standing in the center of the dirt pit, with a full crowd in attendance.

Two men approached him and immediately began taking turns punching him, laughing and showing off for all those watching. Marshall said they looked exactly like the two CSIS officers he had met earlier that day.

Marshall says that he was somehow disabled and unable to move, fight back or even block their blows. They continued to pound and kick Marshall, until he fell in the dirt, bloody and broken.

"Don't contact us again," they warned him.

"Oh, I'm going to tell everybody about this place," Marshall answered.

Then all went black and Marshall woke up to find himself back in bed, his head swirling with questions.

What was going on here?  How could he report this to the police, when the police are there, too? They are the police…

Just how far does this go anyway?

Frantic, he made a 3:00 AM telephone call to his father.

"Dad, help me," Marshall said, "I'm trapped in some weird zone, some other dimension or something. I don't know what's going on. People are hurting me there…I think my heart is going to blow up."

"I know what you're talking about," his father replied, "I know all about it, but I can't talk about it," and hung up.

Marshall was left on his own with more questions than answers. What do I do now? Where can I go for help?

As more memories returned, Marshall says he realized that he wasn't in another dimension or on the astral plane, in fact, there was nothing at all spiritual about his experiences. He realized that he was just a victim of real people "messing with tech".

Marshall claims that he is often asked to explain how the consciousness transfer works, to which he answers that he doesn't know how it works, although he imagines that there must be some way to block it.

He once tried setting his alarm to go off at short intervals to wake him throughout the night, hoping to prevent REM sleep. Eventually, however, Marshall found that he still fell deeply asleep.

He has even tried to stay awake as long as possible which, Marshall says, only works for several days before the body just shuts down. In that case, he claims he's then stuck at the cloning center even longer, while his body catches up on the lost hours of sleep.

Marshall says that he has experimented by going to bed after taking alcohol or prescription medication, hoping that it might interfere with the consciousness transfer.

Marshall reports, however, that he was still brought to the cloning center anyway, feeling drugged or drunk, even though, strangely enough, the clone never consumed any drugs or alcohol.

Once, Marshall even fashioned a hat out of tin foil, and wore it to sleep. He says he got hopeful after several days with no activation at the cloning center. However, later Marshall opened his eyes to find himself stuck there again, trapped in the clone zone, with all those in attendance enjoying a big laugh at his disappointment. They told him there was no way to block the transfer and that it was hopeless to even try.

Some have asked Marshall why he can't just move somewhere far away, to which he explains that moving would be of no use as there is no distance limit to prevent the consciousness transfer. He says they have told him at the cloning center that they will find him wherever he goes. Marshall claims that he could even move to Antarctica and they'd still activate him and bring him to the cloning center.

Others have suggested that Marshall try prayer as a means to ask God for help. He says he tried praying many times as a kid stuck there, desperate to find a way out.

They would just laugh, and then hurt him more, asking, "Where's your god now, Don?  Where he at?"

Some say that Marshall is just dreaming and that the experiences he describes are simply vivid dreams.

Marshall replies that what he experiences at the cloning center feel nothing like a dream; the details are as clear as real-life experiences, and time passes as slowly as time passes in real life. What's more, when you wake up, it's not like remembering a dream, he says, but more like remembering the events from the previous day.

"They're not dreams," says Marshall, "I wish they were…"

Hard to believe?

Can one have years of experiences stored within the brain, with virtually no memory of them?

Two recently published scientific studies show that memories can indeed be blocked and even completely erased from conscious memory.

The October 2014 issue of the journal Neutron published a study conducted by researchers at the UC Davis Center of Neuroscience and Department of Psychology where light was effectively used to track the specific nerve cells in the cortex and hippocampus that were activated in learning and memory retrieval and switch them off with light directed through a fiber-optic cable.

Known as Optogenetics, researchers were able to use this new technique to test a long-standing theory concerning how memories are formed and stored within the brain.

Neuroscientists have long believed that learning is processed within the cerebral cortex of the brain, but retrieved again through the hippocampus.

This small structure deep within the brain reproduces the memory upon retrieval, allowing for the event to be re-experienced again, and remembered. In cases where the hippocampus is damaged, researchers say, patients lose decades of memories, still stored within the brain, with no way to access them.

Drs. Tanaka and Wiltgen demonstrated this by placing mice in a cage where they received a mild electric shock. Then, by switching off specific nerve cells in the hippocampus, the mice lost all memory of the unpleasant event and, when returned to the same cage, did not demonstrate any typical freeze or fear response, but instead nosed around the cage, eager to explore their new environment.

Another test published in the March 2016 issue of the scientific journal, Nature, set out to study not only how to block unpleasant memories stored within the brain, but also how to effectively erase them completely.

Dr. Cornelius Gross, of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Italy, led a research team to study the way the brain erases memories as it creates new ones.

Gross' team first monitored the strength of the synapses within the brains of mice during different behaviors.

Then, through the use of drugs, they blocked those same synapses.

A rapid loss of strength was found within the synapses, Gross reports, in that "it seems that within a day - a half hour even - [the mice] were losing everything they'd learned during the week."

Dr. Gross hypothesized that blocking the synapses would be like "clamping a hose", in that the memories would still be there, but would no longer be accessible.

And in time, as the synapses lost strength, those memories could be erased, completely.

Is it possible that the Illuminati have the technology to select which memories one is allowed to remember and which memories one will forget?

According to Marshall, elite scientists have been manipulating memory for decades, and have the ability to turn on and off access to a memory with just the "push of a button".

In this way, he claims that this top-secret technology allows them complete control of the brain, in that they can decide who remembers, what they remember and who never will.

Marshall claims that Illuminati members have always had access to top-secret science and technology that are years beyond what is officially released to the public.

Marshall maintains that this tech was perfected many decades ago, and has been utilized since to bring many to the cloning center for a variety of reasons.

He says some are brought to be interrogated for passwords and professional secrets, while others are brought for to be tested to see whether they would make loyal Illuminati members.

Some are simply brought to be used and abused for sport, which presents a disturbing thought as to just how many of the public have been transferred there in their sleep with no conscious memory?

If this is true, it would explain why Marshall was unable to access any memory of attending the cloning center for years, until the elite decided it was time to mechanically release these memories to his present consciousness.

Marshall says that he was allowed to remember at the age of 30. Over the course of several months, he was able to put together some of the missing pieces, although, he says it took years to understand the full extent of the technology involved.

With his memories returning, Marshall says that he began to remember more about his double life, as an unwilling participant in top-secret scientific experiments held at the cloning center.

He says that he began to recognize many of his family members there, and would sometimes see them sitting in the stands, with some participating, others just watching. He recognized his mother, brothers, step-father and his step-father's family, all there.

Marshall realized that his entire extended family was involved and that they all played a part in this, but at first, wasn't sure how.

In conversations with them there, however, his family seemed completely aware, in that, they were not memory suppressed about the time they spent there. They remembered what happened every time they were there, and would remember again when they woke up. It seemed that he was the only one, Marshall realized, that could not remember.

He says that later he would learn the truth about his family, and the deep ties they had to the Illuminati that went back generations.

Although, appearing to others as "regular people with regular jobs", they were secretly in service to this dark organization, as ground-level members, always eager to improve their standing there.

What's more, Marshall would learn that his mother had actually sold him to the Illuminati, at the age of 5, to be used, abused and discarded in time. He became what is known there as a slave, one with no human rights, no hope of freedom, forever trapped in a high-tech hell with virtually no way out.

Marshall explains that this is one way to gain full membership within the organization. If a parent selects a child to sell, to be used in any way they see fit, in exchange, the entire family benefits in terms of opportunities and favors granted from the other Illuminati members.

While the rest of the family will attend cloning during their dream state, and watch the nightly atrocities inflicted upon the sacrificed child, the victim himself will remain memory suppressed and will not remember the perversity that takes place there.

Children are always in high demand there, Marshall tells us, and like him, most remain memory suppressed about how they spend their hours of sleep. Once they reach adulthood, however, the Illuminati can decide whether or not to unsuppress them and release their locked memories to conscious recall.

Marshall says that if they can be useful to the organization, the Illuminati will memory unsuppress them and select them to hold key positions in law enforcement, local government, etc., where they can assist in any cover-ups and help to maintain secrecy and safety for all members involved.

If, however, these victims are not useful in any way, the Illuminati can choose to leave them memory suppressed forever. That way, they will never remember and usually end up as damaged, addicted adults with unexplained fears and phobias. Marshall says some don't make it and end up killing themselves instead.

Marshall explains that he has since learned that elite scientists must take great care when releasing a person's suppressed memories, in that, the memories must be gradually released over a period of time, so as not to cause any unwanted results.

Marshall claims that this is what happened in the much-publicized case of brothers Lyle and Erik Menendez, tried in 1994 for the shotgun murders of their wealthy parents, media executive Jose Menendez and wife Kitty Menendez.

On August 20th, 1989, a 911 operator received a frantic call from Lyle Menendez, saying that someone had killed his parents.

When police arrived, they found the bodies of both in the den of their luxury Beverly Hills residence. Jose Menendez had been shot in the back of the head, while Kitty Menendez had been shot repeatedly while trying to escape the killers.

With no suspects in the double murders, the case remained unsolved until police discovered tapes of Erik Menendez confessing his involvement in the killings to a therapist.

Both brothers were charged in the multiple murders and, if convicted, could receive the death penalty.

The brother's first trial, broadcast on Court TV, created a national frenzy, by providing daily coverage of the trial.

When the jury deadlocked, unable to agree to a verdict, the prosecution vowed to try the brothers again.

Three years later, both brothers were retried, convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder, and sentenced to life without possibility of parole.  

Many at the time wondered what would have caused the Menendez brothers to kill their parents in such a brutal way.

Marshall explains that their father, Jose Menendez, a successful media executive, was also a loyal member of the Illuminati, and as such, was required to attend secret meetings at the cloning center, and bring the entire family.

Marshall explains that both brothers attended cloning, where they spent their hours of sleep surrounded by acts of sick perversity.

Coming of age as young adults, Marshall claims that both were in the process of being "awakened" to the truth about their twisted childhoods.

While he could find no one able to understand his memories, Marshall says that the brothers were able to discuss their strange dreams with each other, dreams they both shared in detail. By corroborating each other's experiences, the Menendez brothers realized that they were not imagining things, and once they discovered the truth, struck back at those responsible.

Marshall claims to have met both brothers at cloning years ago. He says they agreed to a bargain with the Illuminati not to reveal what they remember about growing up at the cloning center and the perverse acts they witnessed in their dreams, in order to escape the death penalty.

Marshall says he was disappointed at the time and wanted them to tell all, so that the world might learn the truth about the abuse that takes place within prominent Illuminati families at top-secret cloning centers.

As time passed, more and more memories surfaced for Marshall.

He was able to remember the pain and suffering he endured there nightly, all the while realizing that his family had been there from the very beginning, had watched all this from the stands, but did nothing to help him.

Over time, Marshall's thoughts turned to revenge.

Marshall had in his possession a special sword, one that he had ordered and purchased years before.

Lately, he found his thoughts returning to this sword, imagining the weight of it in his hand, as he swung at his mother, his step-father, those that he had trusted and had betrayed him.

He dreamed of the night, when he would wait until dark. Then he would carefully remove the sword and leave, walking quickly through the quiet neighborhood.

Once he had reached their house, he would wait outside until all had gone to bed for the night.

Then, when the time was right, he would kick down the front door, entering with sword drawn.

Marshall would find his parent's bedroom, where they lay sleeping, and start chopping and hacking each one into bloody pieces.

I might as well, he reasoned, I'm doomed anyway.

Marshall knew though, that he would be quickly arrested, and confined to a prison cell for the rest of his life.

He decided that it would be better to find a way to tell the world and expose them all at the same time.

He says, "I'll get them better if I get them smarter."

As of now, Marshall continues to be activated at the cloning center nightly, with no way to block the consciousness transfer.

He is sometimes asked how he manages to keep on. Some say they would have taken their own lives long ago.

Marshall says that suicide is not an option for him, as he is the only hope for so many others trapped there. For that reason he says, "I soldier on…"

Marshall says he will never stop speaking out about the use of top-secret human cloning in deep underground military bases until those there are freed and all cloning centers are shut down forever.

The Donald Marshall Story - Part 2: Somebody Save Me

"No one has a story like mine," says Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall.

Marshall came forward in 2011 to post online his eye-witness accounts of the serious crimes that take place nightly at deep underground military bases around the world, crimes including the sex trafficking and exploitation of young children in which elite members can indulge themselves without any possible chance of discovery.

Marshall has risked his life to speak out about the Illuminati's use of top-secret human cloning, explaining that the science is much more advanced than the public is told.

Human cloning is not only possible, he says, but has been practiced for decades.

Known as REM-Driven Consciousness Transfer, Marshall says this technology is able to track, locate and then transfer an individual's consciousness during the natural REM cycle of sleep to their identical clone stored at a cloning center many miles away.

By utilizing this top-secret tech, Marshall states that Illuminati members are able to meet as clones in deep underground military bases.

There they sit in the stands of a large sports arena to discuss global politics, plan future events and watch disgusting things done to innocent people, while their real bodies are at home sleeping.

When the real body wakes up, "all goes black," says Marshall, as the clone body drops limp, while workers come to collect and store the deactivated clone until the next night.

Marshall claims to have attended these secret meetings with select members of the Illuminati since early childhood, as an unwilling participant in many covert government projects. While Marshall can relate in detail the events that took place at the cloning center every night, he reports that he could never remember how he got there, and as a child, thought that he had been abducted somehow.

Children are always in high demand there, says Marshall, explaining that the reason he was originally brought to the cloning center at age 5 was to service the members as a "diddle kid", a child to be sexually used, abused and discarded in time.

Marshall wouldn't learn until decades later that his family, while appearing "normal enough", had strong Illuminati connections that went back for generations. He discovered that his own mother had been used there the same way when she was a young child. Now it was her turn to bring her own children to the cloning center in exchange for favors and benefits from other Illuminati members.

Marshall says he was memory suppressed until age 30, and would not consciously remember any of this until much later, when the elite decided it was time to mechanically release his memories to present consciousness, in what is known as "The Awakening".

Marshall says in his earliest memory, he simply opened his eyes to find himself there, standing in the center of a mid-size indoor sports arena.

He says he thinks he was about 5 years old, although he admits that he might have been even younger.

Looking around, Marshall saw that he was surrounded by stands filled with people, sitting in the dark.

He says he had no idea of where he was or how he got there and, at the time, believed that he had been kidnapped in his sleep.

What Marshall didn't realize was that he was not in his real body, but was activating a clone, which, according to Marshall, feels as real as real.

As he looked at them all, Marshall says all he could do is cry.

"I thought they were going to kill me," he remembers, "I saw their faces."

They asked him if he could do anything else, sing or dance perhaps?

With heart racing, Marshall began to scan the crowds, searching among those seated in the dark, desperately trying to think of a way out.

Sitting off to the side, he recognized Queen Elizabeth, complete with diamond tiara, accompanied by other members of the royal family.

Marshall began to sing an original song he created for her on the spot.

There in the bright lights he stood, a scared 5-year-old, serenading the Queen.

When Marshall finished, he remembers the silence that followed as the crowd sat in utter amazement.

"They'd never seen anything like it," he says. 

Marshall says the song was released weeks later, recorded by American country artist Kenny Rodgers, entitled Lady. The song immediately became a chart-topping hit, reaching #1 on Billboard magazine's singles charts for 6 straight weeks just months later.

Marshall remembers being brought back there for more songs the next night, and the next and the next.

Standing alone in the dirt pit of the arena, Marshall says he would just sing out song after song. It was weird how he could do it, he says, could easily create a new song out of thin air.

He claims that his music was recorded and the songs given to different artists to sing. He says those songs all went on to become Top Ten hits…all of them. Before long, Marshall says that his reputation grew and everyone wanted to meet the "amazing song boy". 

Marshall reports that after his early success at hit-making, he was brought to the cloning center every night, where he joined a group of other talented children that had been selected to write music.

He remembers playing what they called the "make-a-song" game, with adults asking the children to think up rhyming words, etc. in order to produce new music. Marshall claims that he quickly surpassed them all, even though, at age five, he had a limited vocabulary and "needed help with the big words". 

He says that after about eight of his songs became chart-topping hits, the other children were intimidated by him and gave up trying to compete. Soon, they were bringing him on nights when there were no other children there, Marshall remembers, to create new music like magic and entertain the crowds.

Night after night, singing alone in the dirt pit of the arena, he created top-ten hits for such 80's artists as Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, Madonna and many, many others. They called him "The Phenomenon". But one day, Marshall claims he ran out of ideas. That's when, he says, the nightmare began…

They began threatening to hurt him in order to scare a song out of him. Sometimes this would work, Marshall says, and, terrified, he would start singing out what would become the next hit single.

Other times, however, if he couldn't think of an idea in time, Marshall would be severely punished. He says the threats turned into punches, slaps, and kicks, escalating to bizarre acts of torture. Marshall says the situation only got worse over time, with even the celebrities taking turns hurting him, in exchange for new songs.

With a never-ending demand for new music, Marshall says they began to hurt him every night, only stopping if he started to sing. He claims that they even began to experiment with different ways to punish him, all for the viewing pleasure of the privileged elite. Marshall says he became the "diversion between perversions".

Marshall tells us that most are unaware that the Illuminati own nearly all news, media and entertainment outlets in the world.

With controlling interest in powerful multinational corporations, they own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, music labels, and most internet websites.

Marshall claims yearly profits from music and entertainment run in the millions.

Marshall reports that after his early success at hit-making, he was brought to the cloning center every night, where he joined a group of secret songwriters for the Illuminati.

There, these songwriters meet, while their real bodies sleep, and create the next big hits for a selection of musical artists. Marshall explains that making new music and songs are among the many activities that take place every night at top-secret cloning centers, in special recording studios built underground for this purpose.

Marshall says he's forgotten more songs than he can remember making over the three decades he's been trapped writing music there. He says he would sing a song from start to finish, complete with words and melody, in one take, in order to avoid punishment, and, as a reward, would then be deactivated and allowed to leave until the next night. For years, he would create a song a night, but sometimes they would demand more, three or even five songs before he would be released unharmed.

Marshall explains that his work is always credited to other songwriters, who receive all the fame and recognition.

He says that he would meet and work with these songwriters at the cloning center, where sometimes he didn't even know who they were or told their names. 

Furthermore, when these songwriters joined the Illuminati, part of their agreement was to never reveal to the public about where they really get their tunes.

One might question that, if his story is true, why hasn't anyone revealed this to the public before now?

Marshall explains that for decades trapped songwriters have been trying to hint, through their music, in an attempt to warn the world about secret human cloning in deep underground military bases without getting themselves killed.




Take for example, the Eagles' 1978 Grammy Award winning classic Hotel California, which tells the story of the narrator who, after a long day spent driving through the California desert, spots an isolated, luxury hotel and, feeling tired, decides to pull over.

He is greeted by the lovely hostess, who assures him that the hotel has plenty of room.

At first, the narrator is dazzled by the decadent lifestyle enjoyed by the hotel's patrons. However, after witnessing disturbing acts of barbarity, he tries to leave, only to discover that he is a prisoner of the hotel, where "you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave".

In a 2003 interview, Eagles' songwriter Don Henley states the theme of Hotel California is "the end of innocence", while in a 2008 interview, Eagles' guitarist Don Felder describes the experience of driving into the city of Los Angeles at night as being the inspiration for the song.

He explains that none of the Eagles' were originally from California, saying that "if you drive into L.A. at night…you can just see this glow on the horizon of lights, and the images that start running through your head of Hollywood and all the dreams that you have…"

One can only wonder, however, if the song was hinting about those seduced into joining the Illuminati with promises of fame and fortune, only to realize too late that they are trapped instead and must continue to attend cloning every night, participating in the sick acts of depravity that take place there.

Marshall says that he, too, tried to insert as many references into his music as he could, although he had to be careful or risk being tortured as punishment.




Marshall suggests you give your favorite songs another listen as he says that he "left a thousand clues in a thousand songs", such as in the 1983 breakthrough hit for British duo, the Eurythmics's Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). The song achieved global success for the musical couple, topping charts all over the world, including the U.S.


Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused


Dark and powerful, the song captures the restlessness of those searching for an outlet for their forbidden desires, whether they want to hurt others, or be hurt by others.

Marshall says the song is his, written by him to describe how every act of perversity imaginable can be found at cloning centers in deep underground military bases worldwide, where "everybody is looking for something" and there, they usually find it.




Pop legend, Madonna is credited for writing the lyrics to the 1986 ballad, Live to Tell, withoriginal composition by Patrick Leonard, although, according to Marshall, he actually wrote the song at the cloning center when he was only 11 years old.

He remembers Madonna as being a "cold soul" who would personally torture him for new songs. What's more, Marshall claims to have written much of Madonna's music over the years from the very beginning of her career.

In an interview about the song, Madonna said, "I thought about my relationship with my parents and the lying that went on. The song is about being strong, and questioning whether you can be that strong but ultimately surviving".

However, the words in the song's chorus take on new meaning when read with the understanding that Marshall used the lyrics as a way to embed hints about secret human cloning activities in deep, underground military bases.


1st Chorus:
A man can tell a thousand lies
(I've written many thousands of popular upbeat songs that do not reflect my true feelings at being trapped here…)

I've learned my lesson well
(I've learned how to create successful music that the public will want to buy…)

Hope I live to tell
The secret I have learned,
(I hope I survive the repeated acts of torture inflicted on me, night after night...)

'Till then, it will burn inside of me.
('Till then, I will continue to try to alert the public through my music every chance I get…)

2nd Chorus:
The truth is never far behind
You kept it hidden well
(I've embedded hints throughout the music, as to not arouse too much suspicion and be punished for it…)

If I live to tell
The secret I knew then
Will I ever have the chance again
(I must take every opportunity I have to add hints to my music, for I don't know how much longer I will be allowed to live…)




Marshall claims he was just 12 years old when he wrote Welcome to the Jungle for heavy metal band, Guns N' Roses in 1987, considered by many to be one of the greatest hard rock songs of all time.

While the band maintains that the song was written about life on the mean streets of Hollywood, Marshall explains that the song is really about the fun 'n' games that are played every night at top-secret cloning centers, where new recruits are welcomed to join the jungles of the cloning center.


Welcome to the jungle
We've got fun 'n' games
We got everything you want, honey
We know the names
We are the people that can find
Whatever you may need
If you got the money, honey
We got your disease


Marshall says that new members are lured into joining the Illuminati, with promises of fame and fortune, and in exchange for promotion and opportunities, they must agree to attend cloning every night to service other members as sex slaves.


Welcome to the jungle
We take it day by day
If you want it you're gonna bleed
But it's the price you pay
And you're a very sexy girl
That's very hard to please
You can taste the bright lights
But you won't get them for free


 At first, new members are offered everything you want…whatever you may need… Once famous, however, Marshall notes that many regret joining and wish to leave.

They all discover, however, that there is no way out and must continue to participate in sick perversity every night.




In 1990, at the age of 15, Marshall says that he wrote Silent Lucidity for metal band Queensryche. The song was their biggest hit, peaking at #9 on the Billboard Hot 100, was nominated for a Grammy award in the category of "Best Rock Song" in 1992 and is ranked #21 on VH1's list of Greatest Power Ballads.

Because of the lyrical content, and the title of the song, it is assumed to be based on the subject of lucid dreaming.

However, Marshall says that the song is really about the numerous senseless crimes he witnessed at the cloning center, where many are brought there in their dream state, to be victimized for entertainment.


Hush now, don't you cry
Wipe away the teardrop from your eye
You're lying safe in bed
It was all a bad dream
Spinning in your head…


What's more, Marshall claims that many were lured to the cloning center to meet the "amazing song boy", and were told that this was necessary in order for him to create music that would turn them into stars, when, in reality, these people ended up murdered for sport or profit…


…a soul set free to fly...


At one point, a recorded voice explains how to consciously direct your dreams.

Marshall says he whispered help me at the end while the song was being recorded, to be then passed on to other musical artists to produce.

However, he never expected his words to be included in the official version and was amazed to find out later that it was. This cry for help can be heard at 3:53.




Marshall was 16 years old when he wrote Metallica's 1991 heavy metal hit Enter Sandman which, he says, describes the terror felt by those held hostage at top-secret cloning centers.

The song propelled Metallica to worldwide popularity. The single debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 in the United States and nine other countries, and sold over 22 million copies worldwide.

Twenty-five years later, Enter Sandman remains one of Metallica's most played songs; loved by fans, acclaimed by critics, and considered by many to be one of the greatest hard rock songs of all time.

Credited for writing the song's lyrics, vocalist and rhythm guitarist James Hetfield has said the song deals with the concept of a child's nightmares, about "destroying the perfect family; a huge horrible secret in a family".


Say your prayers, little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone

Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the Sandman he comes


The Sandman is a mythical character in European folklore that brings good dreams by sprinkling magical sand into the eyes of people while they sleep at night.

However, Metallica's version of the Sandman is something different altogether, a malevolent guide who enters your dreams at night, to escort you to a nightmarish Never-Never Land.


Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit: light
Enter: night
Take my hand
We're off to Never-Never Land


Marshall says that the chorus of Exit light, Enter night accurately describes the double life of those trapped there, knowing that, eventually, they must fall asleep, only to awaken in the cloning center; a horrific war zone filled with…


Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite.


Marshall explains he doesn't know how to block the top-secret consciousness transfer technology that that is used to track, kidnap and hold those hostage at the cloning center until their real bodies wake up.

For that reason, Marshall says that he "hates to go to sleep".




Marshall states that he wrote legendary rock band Nirvana's1991 Gen-X anthem Smells Like Teen Spirit.

The song was Nirvana's biggest hit, reaching number six on the Billboard Hot 100 and ranking high on music industry charts around the world.

In fact, the unexpected success of the lead single from their album Nevermind is often used to mark the point where alternative rock music entered the mainstream.

Both a critical and commercial success, Smells Like Teen Spirit was nominated for two Grammy Awards: Best Hard Rock Performance with Vocal and Best Rock Song, and was granted the "anthem of a generation" status by the music press.

Twenty-five years later,following lead singer Kurt Cobain's 1994 death and the band's breakup, Smells Like Teen Spirit is still widely considered to be one of the greatest songs of all time.

The song was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's list of "The Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll", was awarded "Song of the Century" by The Recording Industry Association of America and ranked at the top of Rolling Stone Magazine's "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time".

The lyrics to Smells Like Teen Spirit are often difficult for listeners to decipher, both due to their nonsensicality and because of Cobain's slurred, guttural singing voice.

This incomprehensibility contributed to the early resistance from radio stations to add the song to their playlists. MTV went as far as to prepare a version of the video that included the lyrics running across the bottom of the screen.

Rock critic Dave Marsh wrote, "Teen Spirit reveals its secrets reluctantly and then often incoherently".

Marshall, trying to decipher the lyrics of the song, felt after reading the correct lyrics from the song's sheet music that "what I imagined was quite a bit better (at least, more gratifying) than what Nirvana actually sang".

Some concluded that the song had no meaning and was just a collection of meaningless words, while others, such as The New York Times observed a "bitter irony" in the title, saying that the band knows only too well that "teen spirit is routinely bottled, shrink-wrapped and sold".

Smells Like Teen Spirit is widely interpreted to be a teen revolution anthem, an interpretation reinforced by the song's music video.

In an interview conducted the day Nevermind was released, Cobain stated the song was about his friends, explaining, "We still feel as if we're teenagers because we don't follow the guidelines of what's expected of us to be adults... It also has kind of a teen revolutionary theme."

As Cobain did more interviews, he changed his explanation of the song and rarely gave specifics about the song's meaning.

When discussing the song in Michael Azerrad's biography Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana, Cobain revealed that he felt a duty "to describe what I felt about my surroundings and my generation and people my age."

According to Marshall, the lyrics to Smells Like Teen Sprit provide an accurate description of the atmosphere at the cloning center when he created new music, where it can be said that:


With the lights out, it's less dangerous,
Here we are now, entertain us…


Marshall explains that many at the cloning center have told him that watching him create new music was the most magical thing in the world. Marshall says that when he was singing, the crowds were entertained and, for a moment, not engaged in the acts of depravity that often occurs there in the pit.

Marshall states that the brutal acts of blood-sport, the perverse sex parties, and the free-for-alls available at the cloning center take place in the dirt pit of the cloning center arena; where some enjoy the wild debauchery, while others participate and just pretend to have fun.

For that reason, Marshall says that when he created new music on the spot, the others there would be allowed to return to their stadium seats, sit in the darkness and enjoy the show.

But, according to Marshall, he struggled to keep up with the constant demand to create new music at the cloning center or suffer brutal torture as punishment.

Some nights, Marshall says he wouldn't be able to think up a new idea in time, and for that reason, he sings,


I feel stupid and contagious,
Here we are now, entertain us…

Marshall explains that he just sings out the songs, making it up as it goes.

Sometimes, when he's at a loss for words, he just uses the first one that comes to mind, hence verses like:


A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido


Marshall says he laughs when he later reads of musicians who claim credit for his work, trying to explain the true meaning behind the lyrics of his songs, when actually he says it just means: Don couldn't think of a better word…

Later, the third verse reads:


I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed


Marshall claims that even on the nights he struggled to create new music for the privileged elite, he realized that if it weren't for his ability to create hit songs that generated many millions, he would have been used, abused and discarded long ago.

For that reason he says: Music saved my life…




Marshall maintains that he wrote the 1991 song Losing My Religion, recorded by alternative rock band R.E.M. to capture the hopelessness of his situation there, trapped by his own success, with no chance of escape.

Marshall says that he hates the song, as he says hearing it brings back bad memories of being beaten in a small side room at the cloning center, where he was surrounded and kicked until he began singing out a song, broken bones and all.

Losing My Religion became R.E.M.'s biggest hit in the U.S., peaking at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100, and stayed on the chart for 21 weeks.

R.E.M. instrumentalist/composer, Mike Mills called the song "the phenomenon that [was] a worldwide hit… in almost every civilized country in the world."

Built on a mandolin riff, the song was an unlikely hit for the group, garnering heavy airplay on the radio as well as on MTV, due to its critically acclaimed music video.

The song became R.E.M.'s highest-charting hit in the United States, reaching No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 and staying on the chart for 21 weeks.

R.E.M. received seven Grammy Award nominations in 1992, while Losing My Religion alone earned several nominations, including Record of the Year and Song of the Year.

The song won two Grammys for Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals and Best Short Form Music Video. 

In 2004, Rolling Stone listed the song on its' list of the "500 Greatest Songs of All Time". In 2007, the song was listed as No.9 on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of the 90's. The song is also included on The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's list of 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll.

R.E.M. guitarist Peter Buck is credited with writing the main riff and chorus to the song, using a mandolin, while watching television one day.

In Johnny Black's Reveal: The Story of R.E.M., Buck relates how he had just bought the instrument and was attempting to learn how to play it, recording the music as he practiced.

Buck said that "when I listened back to it the next day, there was a bunch of stuff that was really just me learning how to play mandolin, and then there's what became Losing My Religion".

R.E.M. lead singer and lyricist, Michael Stipe told The New York Times that the song was about romantic expression. He told UK's Q magazine that the song is about "someone who pines for someone else. Its' unrequited love, what have you."

According to Marshall, the song is actually about his determination to destroy the Illuminati, a downfall he had carefully set up through the use of embedding references to top-secret cloning throughout his music over the decades.

Under these circumstances, the lyrics take on new meaning, especially the reference in the third stanza in which one is asked to consider the song to be the hint of the century...


Life is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up


Marshall reveals that his secret is "bigger" than you can imagine, for you are not me. Unlike most at the cloning center, who simply sit and watch him sing, he vows never to surrender in his quest to destroy the Illuminati, no matter the cost to him personally. 


Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up


He knows he must be careful not to say too much or risk punishment, although by embedding hints in his music, he sets up their eventual downfall…


That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, I've said too much
I haven't said enough

That's me in the corner
(beaten and kicked in a small side room at the cloning center)

That's me in the spotlight
(of the cloning center arena,
singing out,
losing hope that I will ever be set free…)

Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it

Oh no, I've said too much
I haven't said enough


Marshall speaks to the constant challenge where he knows that he will be punished if he says too much, or fail in his quest to destroy the Illuminati if he says too little…


I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try


Speaking to himself, Marshall thinks that he hears himself "singing, laughing, trying".

However, such carefree moments for him are "just a dream"...


Every whisper
Of every waking hour
I'm choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool
Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up


Always planning the hints or "confessions" that he will insert into his music, Marshall must, at the same time, keep an eye on his abusers, in preparation for the next attack…


Consider this
Consider this, the hint of the century
Consider this, the slip
That brought me to my knees, failed
What if all these fantasies come
Flailing around
Now I've said too much


Marshall asks us to regard the song as the biggest expose of the secret elite, knowing, however, that if this "hint of the century" should fail, the loss will bring him to his knees...


I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
Try, cry, why, try
That was just a dream
Just a dream
Just a dream, dream


Written in a dark moment, Marshall doubts whether he will ever be able to succeed in his dream to destroy the Illuminati, considering that he is just one against the most powerful organization on Earth.




It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine), another song by the rock band R.E.M., appeared on their 1987 album Document, the 1988 compilation Eponymous, and the 2006 compilation And I Feel Fine…The Best of the I.R.S. Years 1982-1987. It was also released as a single in November 1987, reaching No. 69 in the US Billboard Hot 100 and later reached No. 39 in the UK singles chart on its re-release in December 1991.

This gleefully apocalyptic song is known for its' quick flying, seemingly stream of consciousness rant with a number of diverse references to end time prophecies.

The words in the title first appear in the 1972 film Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, where, in preparing to fight the apes, a human says: "If we lose this battle, that's the end of the world as we know it."

Explaining the song to Q magazine in 1992, lead singer Michael Stipe said: "The words come from everywhere. I'm extremely aware of everything around me, whether I am in a sleeping state, awake, dream-state or just in day to day life…along with a lot of stuff I'd seen when I was flipping TV channels. It's a collection of streams of consciousness."

 Marshall claims that he wrote the 1987 song while trapped during his dream state in a deep underground military base.

He says the title actually means "It's the End of the Illuminati-Controlled World, as We Know It, and what's more, I Feel Fine", since Marshall maintains that destroying the Illuminati has been his dream since he was a young child.

He says the lyrics describe the Illuminati's plan to create a fake Armageddon by using top-secret HAARP (weather manipulation technology) to create global disasters (It starts with an earthquake) as well as the recreation of freaky acts straight out of the Book of Revelations (birds and snakes).

Then, after unleashing a series of manufactured global disasters, the Illuminati plan to sit back and watch the chaos as civilization breaks down, giving them the excuse to send in the military to restore order, confiscating all guns and disarming the populace, thus allowing them to completely take over the world.


It [the Apocalypse] starts with an earthquake
[and the unleashing of] birds and snakes
in a frightening act of God's fury

[And like the] Eye of a hurricane, [you] listen to yourself churn
as you hopelessly watch the world, as you know it, spin out of control

[And with] a government for hire
pretending to address the world emergency, while
Team by team [of] reporters [pretend to be] baffled [on the] Six o'clock, TV hour
covering such fake news stories as
slash and burn, book burning [and] bloodletting

Every motive escalate[s][while] automotive[s] incinerate
meanwhile, world leaders participate in a
Tournament of Lies

[Offering] solutions [and] alternatives
which, Marshall suggests,
[we] decline…




Creep was released by English alternative rock band Radiohead as their debut single in 1992, and it later appeared on their first album Pablo Honey.

During its initial release, Creep was not a chart success. However, upon re-release in 1993, it became a worldwide hit. The song is included in the Radiohead: The Best Of compilation album.

Creep met with little success in the UK when it was first released in September 1992. Radio 1 found the song "too depressing" and refrained from playing the song. Creep reached number 78 on the UK Singles Chart, selling only 6,000 copies.

Toward the end of 1992, DJ Yoav Kutner played Creep incessantly on Israeli radio. The song soon became a national hit.

Creep had similar success in New Zealand, Spain and Scandinavian countries.

Around the same time, California radio stations added the song to their playlist, and other radio stations along the West Coast soon followed.

By the second half of 1993, the song had become a hit nationwide, charting at number 34 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Radiohead lead vocalist, Thom Yorke, who wrote Creep while studying at Exeter University in the late 1980s, says the song tells the tale of an inebriated man who tries to get the attention of a woman to whom he is attracted by following her around.

In the end, he lacks the self-confidence to face her and, subconsciously, feels that he has become her.

According to Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood, the song was inspired by a girl that Yorke had followed around who showed up unexpectedly during a show by the band. He says the song was, in fact, a happy song about "recognizing what you are".

Marshall says he wrote Creep while trapped at the cloning center, singing directly to the Queen, as he found that "serenading the monster" would sometimes allow him to get away, unhurt, for one more night.

Many are unaware that Queen Elizabeth II, as head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth's non-ocean surface, making her the largest landowner and richest individual on Earth.

In fact, there is no way to easily assess the value of her real estate holdings, although a rough estimate places their value into many, many trillions of dollars.

For that reason, Marshall says no world leader ever opposes her in any way for fear of retaliation.

Marshall explains that for generations, royal families in the Illuminati have indulged their sick fantasies in wild sex parties, safe from discovery behind castle walls on remote estates.

However, with the advance of top-secret cloning technology, the royals were given the unimagined opportunity to meet every night in deep underground military bases, where, by activating identical clones, they can indulge every whim, while their real bodies sleep at night.

Marshall explains that the Queen holds much power and authority at the cloning center, where everyone treads lightly, as she is capable of nearly anything and there is no guessing what she might do next. Despite her carefully constructed public image of service and duty to crown and country, Marshall says the Queen is actually unstable and psychotic, caused by decades of participating in sick depravity underground.

This explains the first verse of Creep, which reads:


When you were here before,
Couldn't look you in the eye,
You're just like an angel,
Your skin makes me cry,
You float like a feather,
In a beautiful world,
I wish I was special,
You're so very special

Only at the end of the song does Marshall expresses his true feelings, as he searches for answers to explain how he ended up hopelessly trapped in a top-secret, hi-tech hell.


What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here...




4 Minutes is a song by pop legend Madonna from her eleventh studio album Hard Candy (2008), featuring a duet with musical artist Justin Timberlake, with backing vocals by rapper/record producer, Timbaland.

According to Madonna, the song is about saving the environment and "hav[ing] a good time while we are doing it."

She also cited the song as the inspiration for the documentary I Am Because We Are (2008).

In the United States, 4 Minutes debuted at number 68 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in April 5, 2008, based solely on airplay.

Within a week, the song had jumped 65 places, reaching number three on the chart.

The single was an international hit, topping the charts in over 21 countries worldwide, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom.

As of July 2012, 4 Minutes had become Madonna's best-selling digital single in the United States, with 3 million copies sold.

The song peaked at number three on the Billboard Hot 100, giving Madonna her 37th top-ten single, breaking the record previously held by Elvis Presley as the artist with most top-ten hits.

Almost five months after its release, 4 Minutes was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for sales of two million paid digital downloads.

4 Minutes was the tenth most downloaded song in the United States in 2008 with sales of 2.37 million, and has sold over three million copies as of July 2012.

The song received two Grammy Award nominations for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals and Best Remixed Recording, Non Classical at the 2009 ceremony.

The song's lyrics carry a message of social awareness, inspired by Madonna's visit to Africa and the human suffering she said she witnessed there.

In an interview with MTV News, Madonna further explained the meaning of the song: "I don't think it's important to take it too literally. I think the song, more than anything, is about having a sense of urgency; about how we are, you know, living on borrowed time essentially and people are becoming much more aware of the environment and how we're destroying the planet…so it's kind of like, well, if we're going to save the planet, can we have a good time while we are doing it?"

According to Marshall, the song is his, written by him at the cloning center. What's more, Marshall says the title actually refers to a sick game they would often play, where he would be allowed only 4 minutes to write a new song or suffer the consequences.

Most nights, Marshall would be able to scramble together some kind of song, but this time was different.

Marshall says that you can hear his desperation in the beginning of the song, as he searches for some idea, fully aware that time is quickly slipping away.

The song begins with Timbaland chanting the opening lines:


I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes
I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes
I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes
I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes
I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes
I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes
I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes, 4 minutes
I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes...


 He says that he just kept repeating the phrase over and over again, until he had enough of an idea to begin singing.

Later verses make it clear that only 4 minutes are remaining in order to save the world:


[Madonna and Timberlake]
Time is waiting
We only got 4 minutes to save the world
No hesitating
Grab a boy, grab a girl
Time is waiting
We only got 4 minutes to save the world
No hesitating
We only got 4 minutes, 4 minutes.
Later, they trade choruses:
The road to hell
Is paved with good intentions, yeah
But if I die tonight at least I can say
I did what I wanted to do
Tell me, how 'bout you?


Marshall is reminding himself that no matter what the personal consequences, he will never give up in his efforts to expose and destroy the Illuminati.

And, while he was able to crank out an original song in under 4 minutes, the next night, however, Marshall says he wasn't so luckyand was severely punished for it.

Marshall says he's surprised that people don't pay enough attention to lyrics and have no idea as to their true meaning.

As incredible as all this sounds, Marshall claims that he only mentions the music as it provides an explanation as to why he was allowed to live all these years, as he was simply too valuable to kill.

Marshall hopes that one day, people will understand what their favorite songs are really about and demand a complete shutdown of all top-secret cloning centers worldwide.

The Donald Marshall Story - Part 3: Rock Me Amadeus

In 1985, Austrian musician Falco scored a huge international hit with the pop song Rock Me Amadeus.

Inspired by the 1984 Academy Award winning film, Amadeus, about the life of prolific classical composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Falco's music video imagines Mozart's return as a modern day rock god.

He appears to be living the high life, loved and celebrated the world over by the rich and famous, all hungry for the new music that will turn them into superstars.

According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, the music video accurately portrays his bizarre double life as a top-secret songwriter for the privileged elite of the New World Order.

He claims that he wrote Rock Me Amadeus, as a 10-year-old kid trapped at the cloning center, where "Amadeus" was one of his many nicknames.

The video depicts the constant demand for new music there, where his songs launched many a successful career.

"You don't know it," he says, "but you've been listening to me for over 40 years…"

Marshall came forward in late 2011 to speak out about the Illuminati's use of top-secret human cloning technology which, he says, is much more advanced than the public is told.

He states that this top-secret tech allows members of the Illuminati to transfer their individual consciousness during the natural REM stage of sleep to their identical clones stored in a deep underground military base.

There they sit in the stands of a large sports arena to discuss global politics, plan future events and watch disgusting things done to innocent people, while their real bodies are at home sleeping.

Marshall has attended cloning since childhood, he says, as an unwilling participant in covert government projects.

Marshall explains that after displaying an early success at songwriting, he was brought to the cloning center night after night, in order to produce new music for such 80's artists as Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, Madonna and many, many others.

Standing alone in the dirt pit of the arena, Marshall says he would just sing out song after song. 

It was weird how he could do it, Marshall says, could easily create a new song out of thin air.

Marshall's first song, entitled Lady, recorded by American country artist Kenny Rodgers, became a chart-topping hit, reaching #1 on Billboard magazine's singles charts for 6 straight weeks just months later.

He says his next songs all went on to become Top Ten hits… all of them.

Before long, Marshall's reputation grew and everyone wanted to meet the "Amazing Song Boy".

Marshall tells us he doesn't write songs down, but just "sings 'em out", making it up as he goes, in the dirt arena of the cloning center, sometimes stopping for a moment to think up the next line or verse.

Marshall states that his songs would be recorded and then given to other songwriters to claim credit.

One can only imagine the experience of sitting in the darkly-lit arena of the cloning center, watching, waiting as Marshall creates new music on the spot, knowing that his songs are a guaranteed hit, that just one of his songs could make or break your career, one song could change your life forever… Who's gonna get it?

Marshall explains that sometimes he would sing out a random song, and a celebrity would claim the song, saying that it sounded like something he'd sing.

Other times, he was asked to write custom songs for a specific artist or group, in which case, he had to write the song with their signature sound in mind.

But, he says that it's not just about making music, it's about making music that sells.

Through decades of trial and error, Marshall developed an uncanny ability to predict the music that people will like, and most importantly, people will buy.

His songs have made many millions of dollars for major record labels, musical groups, artists and bands the world over.

He had to make songs that were successful, because if a song failed, he would be blamed and tortured later as punishment.

Marshall says that now he doesn't even like listening to music, because of bad memories of how he had to sing for his life for so many years.

What's more, he finds that he can't lose himself in the sound, but instead is always thinking: Will it sell? 

In song making, Marshall explains that the melody is key in creating hit songs. He has learned that people want a catchy tune with some repetition, as we psychologically crave listening to music with a repeating pattern of rise, climax and fall.
Marshall tells us that he also likes to add familiar melodies from nursery rhymes and children's songs in his music, as he has found that listeners will unconsciously remember the sound from their childhood and want to hear the song again and again.

Marshall points to the 2012 hit single Somebody that I Used to Know that he wrote for Australian singer-songwriter Gotye.

He explains that the song opens with a simple melody played on xylophone that he lifted from the nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep.

Marshall says that everyone subliminally remembers this familiar melody, although they won't consciously make the connection.

This technique worked as the chart-topping hit went on to receive both critical and commercial success, selling more than 13 million copies worldwide, to become one of the best selling singles of all time.

In fact, Goyte co-manager John Watson said, "We've never seen any song make a deeper or more immediate connection with so many people."

Marshall explains that using techniques like this helped him sell many records and kept him from facing torture… most times.

Even though Marshall's work has received numerous awards, honors and accolades over three decades, he has yet to receive any public recognition.

For example, Gotye won two Grammy Awards in 2013 for hit single Somebody that I used to Know for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance and Record of the Year.

And as for Marshall receiving any financial compensation for all the many millions his music has made in the last three decades?

Well, let's just say, he's still waiting on that first check...

For example, Marshall's first song Lady, written at the age of 5, has been singer-songwriter Lionel Richie's most profitable song ever.

Richie, who was given songwriting credit for the ballad, told Entertainment Weekly that he has an "estate that Lady bought".

In fact, one might say Marshall is the "most famous man you've never heard of".

So, what songs does he claim to have written in his over 30 year career as a secret Illuminati songwriter?

As he says, just turn on the radio...

Music industry insiders know that while they may have many talented performers under contract, ready for stardom, their careers go nowhere without that one catchy hit single that receives massive airplay on the radio, driving consumers to download and buy.

Because, even with talent and a fan base, singers still need that crucial hit song to launch their careers and keep them afloat.

But that was never a problem with the kid onboard.

Marshall says he's forgotten more songs than he can remember making over the three decades he's been trapped there, writing music.

Marshall claims that his ability to create instant hits launched the careers of such 80's superstars as Madonna, Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson, all of whom were massively successful, with their music videos becoming a permanent fixture on MTV, gaining them a worldwide audience.

He says he remembers when Madonna was first introduced at the cloning center, having been discovered by Sean Penn as a dancer at a New York City strip club.

Penn saw her potential and requested she be brought to the cloning center, to meet other members of the Illuminati.

Marshall maintains that, in the beginning, he wrote all of her songs, (Holiday, Borderline, Lucky Star, Like A Virgin, Papa Don't Preach, etc.), songs that went on to top charts around the world.

In fact, by 1989, Madonna was named Artist of the Decade by a number of recognized industry sources.

Whitney Houston became the second best selling female artist of the 1980's, second only to Madonna, with her debut album becoming the best selling debut album of all time.

Houston was the first and only artist to chart seven consecutive No.1 songs on the Billboard 100, all songs Marshall created specifically for her at the cloning center (You Give Good Love To Me, Saving All My Love For You, How Will I Know?, etc.).

Marshall remembers Houston as being nice at first, however, in time she changed as she increasingly turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with the depravity she encountered at the cloning center every night in her so-called "dreams".

Music industry insiders soon realized that Marshall's music had the power to launch even big stars into superstardom, as in the case of the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson, who Marshall remembers well over his years at the cloning center.

Already enjoying the critical and commercial success from his 1979 solo album Off The Wall, Jackson's follow-up album, Thriller, released several years later, would become and currently remains, the best selling album of all time, with an estimated sales of 65 million copies worldwide.

Thriller was the first album to have seven Billboard Hot 100 top 10 singles, including Billie Jean, Beat It, and Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' and won a record-breaking eight Grammy Awards in 1984, including Album of the Year.

And even though Jackson is given songwriting credit for four songs on the album (Billie Jean, Beat It, Wanna Be Startin' Somethin', and The Girl Is Mine). Marshall claims that he actually wrote those songs for Jackson at the cloning center.

Marshall says he remembers Jackson and his entire family well, where he says the Jacksons were  privileged members.

Marshall says he has to laugh at the late singer's reputation as a truther desperate to expose the Illuminati, when actually he says Jackson was "totally down" with them, and was not at all like his carefully crafted public image.

What's more, Jackson's 1996 hit single They Don't Really Care About Us is his song, that Marshall says he wrote to alert the public about how the world elite really feel about you and me.

Marshall's music not only created new superstars, his songs also supplied fading talent with powerful comeback careers, as in the case of the Queen of Rock 'n' Roll, Tina Turner, who launched a major comeback in the mid-80's with the release of her 1984 solo album Private Dancer.

The lead single What's Love Got To Do With It won three Grammy Awards that year, including Record of the Year.

Quickly recorded in London in just two months, Private Dancer became a world-wide success.

What's Love Got To Do With It reached the top ten within weeks and, two months later, reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in the U.S., selling over twenty million copies worldwide.

While Turner brought her powerful vocals and electric stage presence, Marshall provided the tunes (What's Love Got To Do With It, Private Dancer, Better Be Good To Me, etc.).

Another comeback kid, the late pop legend David Bowie, enjoyed massive mid-career success thanks, in part, to Marshall.

While known for decades as an innovator in music, art and design, Bowie had yet to write the pop song that would top charts in the U.S. and around the world.

Enter Marshall, who supplied the title track, Let's Dance, the hit single, Modern Love, as well as a remix of China Girl for Bowie's 1983 album, Let's Dance.

The title track became an instant hit, reaching No.1 in the U.S., U.K. and around the world, while Modern Love and China Girl, both reached No. 2 in the U.K., all courtesy of Marshall.

Let's Dance has sold 10.7 million copies worldwide, making it Bowie's best-selling album.

Let's Dance was nominated for the Album of the Year at the 1984 Grammy Awards, but lost to Michael Jackson's Thriller.

With his career revitalized, Bowie traveled the globe with the sold-out Serious Moonlight Tour, emerging as one of the most important artists of the day.

The success of the album surprised Bowie, who later attempted to write his own catchy pop songs with the follow-up albums Tonight (1984) and Never Let Me Down (1987), which critics dismissed.

Unable to duplicate the success he had found using Marshall's songs, Bowie returned to writing his own songs, experimenting with a wide variety of musical styles.

Not only did Marshall's music launch new careers and relaunch those not-so-new, his songs also guaranteed success, reassuring for the Illuminati-backed music industry, known for playing it safe musically and distrustful of anyone willing to take chances.

For example, take the case of the late legendary singer-songwriter Prince and his neo-psychedelic album Around the World in a Day, released just one year after the 1984 mega-hit, Purple Rain.

The new album reflected important steps in Prince's musical evolution, incorporating new instruments and musical styles which prompted critics to draw numerous comparisons to The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

However, the record-buying public didn't respond well to Prince's new sound, resulting in a dramatic record sales drop, from 13 million sold for Purple Rain to only 2 million sold for the new album.

The only song on the album still remembered today, is the successful hit single Raspberry Beret, a popular song that quickly reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100, and was played at every Prince concert thereafter.

At the time, critics commented that the sound of the song was different than any previous Prince track, with the incorporation of international instruments and middle eastern percussion cymbals.

Marshall claims that Raspberry Beret is his, that he co-wrote with Prince, guaranteeing the album at least one hit single.

Marshall explains that many of the songwriters for whom he provided music are actually bitter by the fact that Marshall's songs are usually the most popular tracks on any album, always the most requested and loved by fans. 

Marshall contends that his music was not only used to create new superstars, his songs provided the jet fuel to launch new musical movements, such as the so-called Second British Invasion of the U.S. of the 1980's.

One might say that this Invasion's first lethal attack took the form of a single entitled Don't You Want Me by British synthpop band The Human League from their album Dare.

This song, written by Marshall, about the failed romance between a man and a cocktail waitress-turned-superstar, was released in early 1982, and by July, hit No.1 on the Billboard Hot 100, where it stayed for three solid weeks.

Scores of British synthpop groups followed such as the Eurythmics, Culture Club, Duran Duran, Wham!, Billy Idol, Tears For Fears, as well as the post punk rock sounds of The Police, U2, and the popular mega-hits of Phil Collins.

Marshall remembers meeting these artists at the cloning center and claims to have written all of their biggest hits.

He explains that musicians like Collins, Sting, and Bono are loyal Illuminati members and favorites of the Queen, who would reward faithful service with guaranteed hits from Marshall.

He even wrote Peter Gabriel's smash single Sledgehammer, he says, to describe an act of punishment he suffered at the cloning center using an actual sledgehammer.

Marshall claims that he wrote all of the hits for such synthpop stars as ABC, a-ha, The Cure, Depeche Mode, the Eurythmics, A Flock of Seagulls, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, New Order, Pet Shop Boys, Simple Minds, Soft Cell, Spandau Ballet, Thomas Dolby, the Thompson Twins, Ultravox and many more.

The mid-80's also saw an international musical movement known as the "New Wave of British Heavy Metal", where hard rock musicians from the U.K., infused the sound of heavy metal with the intensity of punk rock to produce fast, aggressive songs.

Two British heavy metal bands of the time, Def Leppard and Iron Maiden, are considered to be the most commercially successful and influential heavy metal bands of all time.

For example, Def Leppards' 1983 album, Pyromania peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard 200 chart, just behind Michael Jackson's Thriller, and sold more than six million copies in the U.S., turning Def Leppard into superstars.

Marshall claims that he wrote Pour Some Sugar On Me as a kid and, what's more, states that he practically IS Def Leppard, and has written all of their popular songs, songs that are still heard on the radio every day some thirty years later. 

Glam Metal bands also had a run of commercial success with Bon Jovi's 1986 album Slippery When Wet topping the Billboard 200 and spending eight non-consecutive weeks there.

The single You Give Love a Bad Name, reached No.1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 to become the band's first number one hit.

Another successful group from that era was Guns N' Roses who released the best-selling debut of all time, Appetite For Destruction, producing three top 10 hits including the No.1 Sweet Child O' Mine, while Poison's 1988 album Open Up and Say…Ahh! hit single Every Rose Has Its' Thorn, sold eight million copies worldwide.

According to Marshall, he wrote all of those songs, while a trapped, scared teenager, yes, all of them…

The 80's also saw a huge interest in heavy metal music, which Marshall says that he used to express his fury and rage at being caged at the cloning center, tortured nightly for new songs.

He says that his songs launched the successful careers of Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer, Queensryche, Quiet Riot, Cinderella, Twisted Sister and many more.  

Marshall's music also revived the sagging careers of established hard rocks bands such as Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, KISS, Black Sabbath, Scorpions and Whitesnake.

Over the years, Marshall claims to have provided songs for many heavy metal bands, such as Avenged Sevenfold, Motorhead, Disturbed, Lamb of God, System of a Down, Godsmack, Killswitch Engage, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Korn, Drowning Pool, White Zombie, Skid Row, Suicidal Tendencies, Linkin Park and many others.

The end of the 80's saw the gradual decline of glam metal and the emergence of a completely new sound that came to be known as "Grunge".

Originating in the city of Seattle's active music scene, local guitarists fused elements of hardcore punk with heavy metal to create something raw and powerful, with lyrics that often spoke of social alienation, apathy, confinement and a desire for freedom.

By the early 1990's, the music's popularity had spread, with grunge acts performing in California and other parts of the U.S., building a strong following and leading to groups signing major record deals.

However, while professional scouts for the Illuminati-backed record labels signed many promising bands from the Pacific Northwest, they would still need those chart-topping hits to sweep the country and catch the attention of the mainstream consumer.

Marshall tells us that he was just a teenager when he met members from many grunge bands at the cloning center, where he wrote the signature hits for bands such as Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Hole, and Stone Temple Pilots among others.

What's more, Marshall says that he IS Nirvana, having written every one of their songs, even providing the name for the band.

While the late Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain had a compelling voice and stage presence, Marshall says it's really him you're listening to, in every song.

He explains that musicians like Cobain, despite their reputation as songwriters, are more like performers that play music.

And while Cobain might have had the talent necessary to propel him to stardom, make no mistake, he got there on the strength of Marshall's songs.

Marshall continued to provide the tunes for many alternative rock bands, such as Jane's Addiction, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Radiohead, R.E.M., The Smashing Pumpkins, Bush, Candlebox, Creed, Nickleback, 3 Doors Down, Silverchair, Beck, Counting Crows, Soul Asylum, Cake, Garbage, Rage Against the Machine and a decade later for bands such as No Doubt, Paramore, Train, and Imagine Dragons.

Marshall even supplied the music for Britpop groups such as Oasis, Muse, and Coldplay as well as the post-punk sounds of The White Stripes, The Killers, Green Day, and The Offspring.

Marshall maintains that many musicians secretly try to recognize his uncredited contributions to their successful careers.

He explains that the Foo Fighters' 1998 hit single My Hero is not a tribute to "everyday, ordinary heroes" as former Nirvana drummer/Foo Fighers' frontman Dave Grohl states.

Instead, Marshall says that Grohl wrote the song about him and that he provided songs for both Nirvana and the Foo Fighters.

Marshall also claims to have written many songs for U.K.'s britpop group, Oasis.

He says that Noel Gallagher is mean, and he had to laugh about the time that Gallagher famously criticized the work of Phil Collins, whose mega-hits dominated the music charts in the 80's, calling Collin's music "boring", saying that it was "time for some real lads to get up there and take charge".

Gallagher's comment is especially ironic considering Marshall wrote all of Oasis's best tunes and, incidentally, all of Collin's biggest hits, as well.

Marshall says many singer-songwriters take credit for songs he wrote specifically for them, such as Mariah Carey, Adele, Norah Jones, Dido, Sarah McLachlin, Alanis Morrissette, Fiona Apple, Jewel, Natalie Merchant, Alicia Keys and Taylor Swift.

These so-called singer-songwriters are actually singing his songs, using his words, sharing his message.

Marshall claims that the Illuminati will recruit those of interest, and then bring them to the cloning center to meet him, so he can turn them into stars.

All they need to do is to find the performers, those with the right look and sound, while Marshall supplies the rest.

Marshall's music launched the careers of such megastars as Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Adele, Usher, Pink, The Black Eyed Peas, Selena Gomez, Carly Rae Jepsen, Kelly Clarkson, Kesha, Avril Lavigne, Enrique Iglesias, Lana Del Rey, Bruno Mars and on and on.

Marshall says he's written many of Britney Spear's hits from the beginning, including her 1998 debut single Baby One More Time which became one of the best-selling singles of all time, reaching No.1 in every country around the world.

Marshall explains that the lyrics are not about the feelings of a young girl after a break-up with her boyfriend, but instead refer to the constant threat of punishment Marshall faces should he not produce successful songs… hit me, baby, one more time…  indeed.

Over time, the Illuminati-backed music industry insiders became so confident that Marshall's music could turn virtually anyone into a star, that they began to bring more and more to the cloning center to meet him.

Take, for example, international pop superstar, Lady Gaga, whose 2008 debut album, The Fame was a critical and commercial success around the world with its' chart-topping singles Just Dance and Poker Face.

She followed that in 2009 with an extended play (EP) The Fame Monster, with its successful singles, Bad Romance, Telephone and Alejandro.

Her second full-length album Born This Way, released in 2011, sold over one million copies in its' first week, topping the charts in more than 20 countries, with its' No. 1 single Born This Way.

Despite her reputation as a songwriter, Marshall says he wrote every one of Lady Gaga's songs from the beginning of her career. He says that all she brought was her arty costumes and hairstyles; Marshall supplied all the rest.

The same can be said for multi-Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter, Rihanna.

Marshall says he can remember when he first met Rihanna at the cloning center, fresh from the island of Barbados, eager to do whatever it took for fame and fortune.

Marshall claims to have written all of her hit singles, such as Umbrella, Take A Bow, Disturbia and Diamonds.

With sales exceeding 200 million records sold worldwide, Rihanna became one of the best-selling artists of all time, with 14 number one singles on the Billboard Hot 100.

Rihanna must have made many influential friends there, because Marshall says that, for a time, they just kept giving her every song he wrote, one after another.

Marshall explains that while some are brought to the cloning center to meet him, others have attended since childhood, as members of  privileged Illuminati families.

He says they were selected as kids to be the next big thing, with their success guaranteed.

Even though these "cloner-kids" create fake bios filled with stories of how they struggled until they were discovered singing at local county fairs and coffee shops... don't fall for it, says Marshall.

Truth is, they were favored from childhood to be big stars, as a reward to their Illuminati parents for years of faithful service.

Whether it's pop, country, hard rock, heavy metal, electronica, hip hop, rap ... you name it. Marshall simply writes the music that sells.

Marshall says that he's known underground as the Rainman because of the untold millions of dollars his music pours into profits worldwide.

And as for that other Rainman, legendary rapper Marshall Mathers…?

Well, let's just pretend he never picked up a pen… for according to Marshall, he is Eminem and has written all the rapper's songs.

Marshall tells us that Eminem was promoted by the Illuminati in the late 90's as a way to introduce black rap music to middle-class white kids across the country, which was then a lucrative, underdeveloped market.

Marshall says that at first he was writing songs for Miami-born white rapper, Vanilla Ice, who, with his 1990 hit single Ice Ice Baby became the second white rapper in history to top the charts.

His debut album To The Extreme, became the fastest selling hip hop album of all time, spending sixteen weeks at No.1 on the Billboard 200 selling over eleven million copies.

However, unlike New York white rappers the Beastie Boys, Vanilla Ice had no street credibility, and with overall negative reviews for his next two albums, interest in the rapper soon dropped.

Marshall maintains that music industry insiders were looking for a replacement for Vanilla Ice when they discovered Detroit rapper, Marshall "Eminem" Mathers, who had recently moved to Los Angeles in 1997 to compete in an annual nationwide battle rap competition.

Placing second, the Illuminati took notice and quickly recruited Mathers into their ranks, with promises of fame, fortune, and guaranteed success with the use of Marshall's music.

Forget any official versions you've heard of Eminem as just another struggling young rapper pushing his demo CD before being discovered by Interscope Records founder, Jimmy Iovine and famed record producer, Dr. Dre.

Truth is, Mathers is "Illuminati made and paid", says Marshall and adds that he's "not the nice, cool guy everyone thinks he is".

Thanks to Marshall, Eminem went on to become the best-selling hip hop artist of all time, with twelve No.1 singles worldwide, and eight No.1 albums on the Billboard Top 200.

In 2009, Billboard Magazine even named Eminem the "Artist of the Decade".

Marshall says that he has written songs for many rappers such as Public Enemy, Run-D.M.C., Master P., OutKast, N.W.A., LL Cool J., MC Hammer, Snoop Dogg, Ludacris, the Fugees, Salt 'N' Pepa, the Beastie Boys, DMX, Jay-Z and many more.

Marshall says he even collaborated with the late rapper, Tupac Shakur, in writing his best songs.

Imagine if the public found out that their favorite ghetto anthems were actually penned by a white kid straight outta Halifax…

Marshall says that many rappers manufacture fake bios of growing up in "da 'hood" when, in reality, they were born to lives of wealth and privilege, selected for fame from influential Illuminati families.

Marshall reports that artists like Lil' Wayne and  Kanye West owe him a "chunk of change", as he's been writing most of their music since the very beginning of their careers.

For the over three decades that Marshall has claimed to been trapped at the cloning center writing music, he says that he made a "whole lot of bad people a whole lot of money".

Marshall maintains that many at the cloning center are jealous of him and his talent for creating hit songs "outta nowhere, like magic".

They say that it is unfair that they struggle for months to write one song with poor results, whereas Marshall can write a song in minutes that is guaranteed to sell millions of copies worldwide.

He remembers several years ago, one songwriter bragging about his big win for the "Best Record of the Year" that he won the at the Grammy Award ceremony the night before, a triumph he achieved using one of Marshall's songs.

As the songwriter addressed the audience at the cloning center, and went on and on about his win, Marshall finally spoke up.

"Yeah," he said, "But what did you do?"

"Well", the songwriter quickly replied, "I play the piano…"

The crowd roared in laughter.

Marshall had made his point, although, he remembers, the songwriter punished him later for making the remark.

Marshall claims that in speaking out, he is not looking for fame or riches.

His only aim is to tell the public the truth about the top-secret human cloning that takes place in deep underground military bases around the world.

He says he will never stop until all those trapped there are freed and all cloning centers are shut down forever.

Secret Human Cloning

In 1997, embryologists at the Roslin Institute in Scotland, announced that they had successfully cloned a young sheep, "Dolly", from a cell taken from the mammary gland of an adult sheep. Public reaction to the news was swift. The story was on the front page of the New York Times and dominated television newscasts and talk shows around the world. Did it mean, people asked, that this could be done in humans? Were we nearer to cloning human beings?

U.S. President Bill Clinton reacted immediately, stating that the cloning of Dolly the sheep raised "serious, ethical questions, particularly with respect to the possible use of this technology to clone human embryos". Clinton called for legislation to ban human cloning, as did thirteen European countries, including the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee (STC) which said that British law needs to be amended to ensure that human cloning is illegal. President Jacques Chirac of France and German Research Minister, Juergen Ruettgters, also called for an international ban on human cloning.

What the public did not realize at the time, according to Illuminati whistleblower, Donald Marshall, was the fact that top-secret experiments in human cloning had already been conducted for many decades in deep underground military bases around the world.

Marshall claims to have seen human cloning first hand, as an unwilling participant in human cloning since early childhood. Marshall says that elite scientists in every country all over the world use top-secret cloning technology to create identical human clones to be used in a variety of ways. These near perfect look-alikes can be used as stand-ins for top government leaders and elected officials, or sent to perform secret spy missions and dangerous acts of espionage.

Marshall explains that the public never sees any of this because all cloning activity takes place many levels down in deep underground military bases on government-owned property, with highly restricted access. World leaders won't even acknowledge the existence of these deep underground military bases, hundreds of which are built at strategic points all over the world, therefore, they are never called upon to explain to the public about what really goes on down there.

Marshall remembers visiting secret military bases as a young child, though he didn't realize that he was a clone at the time, since clone bodies feel as real as real. It wasn't until Marshall was much older that he was given a tour of the grow rooms, a deep level underground of entire floors where human clones are grown in the dark, suspended in water, in stacked glass tubes. Marshall reports that the grow rooms are dark, dirty, and reek of the smell of urine. He explains that elite scientists usually create a series of the same clones at a time, selecting the best and disposing of the rest, since each body requires only 5 months and 30 bucks to reach full completion.

Marshall further explains that there are many kinds of cloning technology used to grow different types of clones.

In replication cloning, top-secret scientists create the ideal conditions in the lab for new life to grow, resulting in a perfectly formed baby clone. However, this process is time-consuming, as the baby clone will still need to grow and develop as any other human baby.

Instead, duplication cloning is preferred, whereby manipulating certain gene mutations, clone bodies can be quickly grown to full maturity in a matter of months, and can be used immediately.

An example of duplication cloning can be seen in the 2005 futuristic scifi thriller, The Island, where wealthy sponsors invest millions of dollars in the care and feeding of their clones, who live in an isolated compound, unaware that they are clones created for the sole purpose of organ harvesting.

However, in reality, clone organs are grown too fast, according to Marshall, and are not viable for use in organ transplant. What's more, he claims the science of human cloning is deeply flawed, with serious side effects, as clone behavior tends to be unpredictable and erratic, with little impulse control.

This can be seen in the 1982 scifi classic, Blade Runner, by director Ridley Scott, where special police operatives or blade runners, are used to hunt and extinguish replicants,  genetically engineered workers so perfectly designed, as to be indistinguishable from real humans. In an early scene, a blade runner attempts to administer the "Voight-Kampff" test to Leon Kowalski, a suspected runaway replicant. The test consists of a series of hypothetical questions designed to provoke an emotional response. When Leon becomes frustrated by his inability to understand the test questions, he reaches for a gun, and shoots the blade runner dead.

According to Marshall, replicant Leon displays typical clone behavior. When confronted with what they don't understand, clones panic and react with violence. For that reason, all clones seen in public require special minders, or handlers to travel with them and monitor their behavior. This is why it is common to see politicians, surrounded by their private aides and advisors, as well as famous celebrities, flanked by personal assistants, as part of their entourage.

Apparently even Dolly, the cloned sheep, suffered serious side effects from the flawed science of cloning. Soon after news of the successful experiment in cloning was released, Norwegian daily newspaper Dagbladet headlined "Dolly is Eating Herself to Death", claiming that Dolly the sheep could not stop eating and was more than twice the size of her litter mates.

Marshall claims that news articles, like the cloning of Dolly the sheep, are purposely released as a way to gauge public reaction and encourage tolerance to the issue of human cloning, even though doctors and scientists around the world agree that cloning technology is untested, unsafe and morally unacceptable. Donald Marshall calls for a global ban on all human cloning experimentation.

To Be Human

In the 2009 scifi drama Moon, actor Sam Rockwell plays astronaut Sam Bell, who, in the futuristic world of 2035, is responsible for maintaining operations at Sarang, a remote mining facility located on the far side of the moon. Bell looks forward to returning home as he nears the end of a three-year solitary stint mining and shipping Helium-3, an alternative fuel used on Earth.  However, when Bell accidentally crashes his lunar rover into a harvester and is rendered unconscious, the onboard system computer, GERTY, believing Bell to be dead, activates another astronaut, sleeping in hibernation, to replace him. Bell manages to survive the crash and, returning to the space facility, finds that the new astronaut activated to replace him is his identical clone.

In time, the two men discover that they are both clones of the original Sam Bell, manufactured to avoid hiring costly new astronauts. They find that they are only copies of the original Sam Bell, complete with detailed memories of his life, loves and family back home on Earth. The film asks us to consider: What does it mean to be human?

This question is difficult to answer since, according to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, it can be hard to tell if you are a clone or not, since as a clone, your body, memories, and feelings seem real as real. He claims to have been an unwilling participant in top-secret cloning projects since he was a young child. He states that all world governments have engaged in covert human cloning for many, many decades. He reports that he was cloned by members of a powerful organization known as the Illuminati.

Marshall explains that he was activated as a clone against his will numerous times and forced to attend secret meetings in cloning centers, located in deep underground military bases. He says that members of the Illuminati feel that they can use your clone in any way they choose since they believe that clones are not natural-born humans, and therefore, have no human rights.

In truth, many people don't realize the fact that they don't actually own their DNA. As of 2013, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office have assigned the ownership of a variety of human genetic codes to private corporations and universities in the United States.

According to editor Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com, more than 4,000 human genes so far, up to 20% of our complete genetic code is owned by someone else. The corporation that owns the most patents, Incyte, a biopharmaceutical company based in Delaware, owns patents on over 2,000 human genetic codes. While most people would not be willing to sell their  DNA, it is now legal for dozens of private corporations to claim ownership over every cell in our bodies, and those claims would be completely upheld if challenged in a U.S. Court of Law.

One can only wonder what the future will hold, if private corporations have the legal permission to use DNA to clone any member of the population for their own purpose.

According to Donald Marshall, human cloning is immoral, and needs to be stopped, as it is in direct violation of our inherent human rights.

To Sleep, Never to Dream: REM - Driven Consciousness Transfer

James Cameron's 2009 scifi film Avatar is set in the year 2154, in which humans, having depleted Earth's natural resources, travel in space to colonize Pandora, a lush habitable moon orbiting a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system, in order to mine the valuable mineral unobanium. Pandora, whose atmosphere is poisonous to humans, is inhabited by the Na'vi, a race of 10-foot tall, blue-skinned humanoids, who live in harmony with nature and worship a mother goddess called Eywa.

To explore Pandora, scientists create genetically-engineered Na'vi-human hybrids called Avatars, which are surrogate bodies that look and move like the indigenous Na'vi of Pandora, but are actually uploaded using the mind of a human in a remote location. In this way, Avatars are safe to be attacked, even killed, without any actual harm coming to the controller, since their real bodies are never in any danger.

Many futurists predict that this type of mind uploading will someday be possible, where information, memories and experiences can be downloaded from one brain and then transferred into another. According to the science editors of the Genetic Literacy Project, however, "mind uploading won't work because consciousness can't be transferred".

Not true, according to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, who says that there is no need to look to the future for mind uploading; the future is already here.

Marshall explains that when he goes to bed at night, his consciousness is stolen while he sleeps and is held hostage until his body wakes up. Known as R.E.M-Driven Consciousness Transfer, Marshall claims that elite scientists use this top-secret technology to transfer his individual consciousness from his residence in Eastern Canada, into his identical clone at a cloning center hundreds of miles away.

He maintains that this consciousness transfer happens almost every night, even though his real body never leaves the room, and continues to sleep through the night. Once his real body eventually wakes up, however, his clone body drops limp. Marshall says that all goes black and, as he wakes up, his consciousness quickly returns to his real body.

It might seem unbelievable, but Marshall claims that covert experiments in genetic engineering and human cloning have been conducted by Illuminati scientists in deep, underground military bases for decades. 

Marshall says that he was an unwilling participant in secret cloning experimentation since early childhood. Growing up with a seemingly normal family, Marshall was forced to lead a double life, spending his nights trapped at the cloning center, where he was held against his will by top-secret technology.

Marshall claims this consciousness transfer can only take place once the brain has fully entered the REM sleep cycle. He explains that once you begin to dream, they can steal your consciousness and bring you wherever they want.

REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep has, since its discovery, been closely associated with dreaming. REM sleep is defined as "a unique phase of sleep characterized by random movements of the eyes, low muscle tone throughout the body, and the propensity of the sleeper to dream vividly".

As Marshall reports, "I go to sleep at night, and an hour later, I open my eyes to find myself, naked, on a stainless steel rack, at a cloning center in Western Canada". Disorientated at first, Marshall looks around to find himself lying in a room filled with computers, one nearby is monitoring his brain wave patterns. Marshall explains that a green light on a control panel will light up to indicate when the subject has entered REM sleep. Then, he says, "workers there just push a button and you open your eyes, in the clone zone".

According to Marshall, members of the Illuminati have clones and attend the cloning center at night. While their real bodies are at home, sleeping, they sit in the stands of an arena the size of a hockey stadium, and watch disgusting things done to innocent people.

When their real body wakes up at home, the clones slump down in the seat and workers come to haul them out on a hand truck. Immediately, someone new takes their place. Marshall says it's like that, people in and out, coming and going, all night long.

When not in use, the clones are stored many levels deep underground, where they sleep on stainless steel racks, intubated with feeding tubes down their throats, supplying them with a liquid nutritional supplement. The clones are monitored and cared for, while they wait for their turn to be activated.

For some reason, Marshall explains, once your real body wakes up and comes out of REM sleep, your consciousness immediately returns to your real body. He says that it can be easy to get injured because sometimes when you wake up in real life, your clone suddenly drops limp and falls on the concrete floor of the stadium. For that reason, everyone usually stays seated in the stands, Marshall continues, because no one ever knows when their real body will wake up and deactivate the clone.

Marshall claims that there are thousands of Illuminati members being activated at different time zones, in deep, underground military bases all over the world; the level of organization involved is staggering.

Marshall claims that he is often asked to explain how the consciousness transfer  works, to which he answers that he doesn't know how it works, although he imagines that there must be some way to block it.

He has set his alarm to go off at short intervals to wake him throughout the night, hoping to prevent REM sleep, but Marshall found that eventually, he still fell deeply asleep.

He has even tried to stay awake as long as possible which, Marshall says, only works for several days before the body just shuts down. In that case, he claims he's then stuck at the cloning center even longer, while his body catches up on the lost hours of sleep.

Marshall says that he has experimented by going to bed after taking alcohol or prescription medication, hoping that it might interfere with the consciousness transfer. Marshall reports, however, that he was still brought to the cloning center anyway, feeling drugged or drunk, even though, strangely enough, the clone never consumed any drugs or alcohol.

Others have asked Marshall why he can't just move somewhere far away, to which he explains that moving would be of no use; there is no distance limit to prevent the consciousness transfer. He says they have told him at the cloning center that they will find him wherever he goes. Marshall claims that he could even move to Antarctica and they'd still activate him and bring him to the cloning center.

Others suggest that Marshall is just dreaming and that the experiences he describes are simply vivid dreams.

Marshall replies that what he experiences at the cloning center feel nothing like a dream; the details are as clear as real-life experiences, and time passes as slowly as time passes in real life. What's more, when you wake up, it's not like remembering a dream, he says, but more like remembering the events from the previous day.

Marshall claims that his mission in life is to alert the public about REM consciousness transfer, so they learn the truth about exactly what goes on in deep underground military bases around the world. He says that he will never stop until all the people trapped there are freed and all the cloning centers are permanently shut down forever.

Life... Only Better

What if you could fulfill any fantasy you ever had, do whatever you want, be whoever you want from the comfort and safety of your home?

In fact, Why even leave the house at all if you can just send a surrogate instead? asks the 2009 scifi thriller Surrogates. Set in the year 2045, when most of the population employ enhanced human-looking androids to engage the world in their place.

Virtual Self, Inc., the global manufacturer of Virtual Reality products promises "Life... only better". Through the use of surrogates, humans are given the option to work and play without the risk of injury or disease. Can you imagine having perfect looks without plastic surgery or going to the gym? By controlling their surrogates while plugged into hi-tech STEM chairs, the operators can become anyone they want from the comfort and safety of home.

While the fantasy of escaping into a virtual world can be compelling, the reality of engaging in a simulated environment, while wearing a clunky helmet, attached by a thick cable to a computer is awkward at best and does not create a lifelike experience for the user.

There is no need for any special helmet and gear, though, because according to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, escaping into another reality is exactly what thousands of Illuminati members from around the world do every night when they go to sleep. Known as R.E.M-Driven Consciousness Transfer, Marshall claims that when he goes to sleep at night, his consciousness is stolen and held hostage until he wakes up the next day.

Marshall maintains that elite scientists use this top-secret technology to clone members of the Illuminati and bring them at night to the cloning center. There they sit in the stands of a large hockey arena and watch disgusting things done to innocent people, while their real bodies are at home, sleeping. In this way, members can indulge every fantasy they can imagine. What's more, there is no possibility of the public ever finding out what goes on in deep underground military bases, so... let the fun begin!

Learning to appreciate your new clone body can, apparently, take some getting used to. Marshall explains that in the beginning, members new to the cloning center often test the limits of their new clone bodies. He reports that clones have built-in pain sensors which can be set from 0 to 10, with total numbness at zero, all the way to full pain reception at a setting of ten. The clones of Illuminati members are usually set to zero and, since they feel no pain, they can do crazy things like jump from tall heights and crash to the floor, destroying their clone in the process. Since they can't feel pain or get hurt, there is no reason not to take risks because their real body is sleeping safely far away. Marshall states that if your clone is destroyed, then all turns to black, but you don't die.  Technicians simply transfer your consciousness and you wake up in a new clone, with full memories intact.

Marshall remembers the time he carved up his own arm while he was a pain-numbed clone, just for the experience. Marshall claims that he could feel the vibrations as the knife went through, but it didn't hurt at all. Then for a second, Marshall forgot and thought that he had cut up his own arm. Then he remembered: It's just a clone...

So, now that you have permission to do whatever you want, the real question becomes: what do you want to do?

Marshall states that anything goes at the cloning center, where they do everything and anything you can imagine and more. No perverse act is taboo or off-limits. It seems that they have no shame, for nothing they do seems to embarrass them. The celebrities and world leaders sit and watch people get victimized, raped and tortured for sport, night after night.

Marshall says that it's even difficult to describe some of the acts of perversion he's witnessed there. He surmises that inflicting pain on others makes members of the Illuminati feel powerful and instills a sense of fear in those watching to never talk or step out of line.

For those at the clone zone, every high-octane night is packed with sex, drugs and rock n roll, where attendees are encouraged to be sexually free and indulge every fantasy in the dirt pit of the arena while they all watch. What's more, the fun is videotaped and sent by military satellite to other cloning centers in deep underground military bases all over the world, where it is projected on bigscreens for the viewing pleasure of the global Illuminati.

According to Marshall, these perverse sex parties take place all the time at the clone zone, with attendees coming and going, joining in as soon as their clone is activated. Here in the pit, you can find your favorite celebrities leading double lives as Illuminati sex slaves, ready and willing to service other members, which, he says, tend toward the fat, bald and ugly. It's a downright free-for-all, with some sex slaves so popular and in such high demand, that their clone suffers from wear and tear. In that case, they simply order up a replacement, transfer into the next clone, so they can party all night long.

Marshall maintains that in the beginning, REM-driven cloning technology was used as a convenient way for world leaders, top scientists and military leaders to meet in secret in order to plan and discuss world events. Over time, however, this got boring, so the Illuminati began to clone others; bringing movie stars, artists, musicians, celebrities and sport stars to the cloning center during their dream states, and over time, the acts of depravity got worse and worse.

Marshall reports that if you want to be famous or make it big in Hollywood, you have to agree to come to the cloning center every night and bang the pigs in the pit. There are no exceptions. Most successful actors, models and musicians agree to be sex slaves in order to service members of the Illuminati, who are always looking for fresh, young talent. If you show promise, they will approach you and invite you to join them, with an offer you can't refuse. And if you do refuse, Marshall has seen times when they will take the refusal as an insult and kill you.

At first, the new members are brought to the cloning center about once a week, where they think they've joined a global organization that aspires to maintain social order and contributes much good in the world. They think, as members of the Illuminati, that they're in the power club for the elite, elevated and privileged. Marshall claims that they don't see what else goes on there on different nights. And once the celebs find out what kind of "club" they're in, they wish they weren't famous anymore. Marshall explains that then even famous people don't want to be famous anymore, they just want to stay alive.

According to Marshall, the promise of "Life... only better" as experienced by those trapped at the cloning center, is more like a horrible nightmare in which they pray to wake up.

Gladiators of the Pit

The public never seem to tire of gladiator epics such as the recent Starz cable TV series Spartacus, inspired by the true account of a Thracian warrior who led a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic in 73 B.C.E. The series appealed to loyal fans in the United States and around the world. It was nominated for many prestigious awards, winning the Saturn award in 2011 for Best DVD/Blu-Ray TV Series.

The glorious days of the gladiator are far from over, according to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, who says that the spectacle of fighting to the death is alive and well, and takes place every night in deep underground military bases around the world.

Like Spartacus, Marshall must also battle to the death, only his arena is the dirt pit of the cloning center and his opponents are warriors who never die; if killed, they just get activated into a new clone body.

Marshall claims that he hates to go to sleep at night and open his eyes to find himself standing in the pit, dressed for battle. He knows that he is in for yet another night of sword fighting for the pleasure of this elite crowd of spectators. Marshall maintains that members of the Illuminati attend the cloning center at night, while their real bodies are at home, sleeping. They sit there in the stands of the arena and watch the spectacle of blood-sport, night after night, year after year.

Marshall calls it murder theatre for the rich and famous.

Marshall reports that he is activated against his will and forced to fight, or face torture if he refuses. He says that members of the Illuminati feel that they can use your clone in any way they choose since, they state, that clones are not natural-born humans, and, therefore, have no human rights.

According to Marshall, elite members like to watch the slaughter of clone warriors battle to the death, all of which is videotaped and shared for the enjoyment of others in military bases around the world. They tell themselves that no harm is done since none of this is real.

Nevertheless, Marshall claims that sword fighting in the pit is very disturbing. "You wonder why you didn't swing your sword" explains Marshall "and you look over and you no longer have an arm, it's chopped off at the elbow and spurting blood with every beat of your heart."

Marshall explains that there can be some confusion at first if you think you're in your real body and you look at your bloody stump and think "Oh shit, now I'm an amputee...", before you realize that you're at the cloning center.

What's more, since there is virtually no possibility of the public ever finding out what goes on in deep underground military bases... let the games begin!

On any given night, the center pit recreates the gladiator arena of ancient Rome, the grounds of a Medieval tournament, or even the Samurai battlefields of feudal Japan as spectators sit and watch bloodsports from around the world ordered up for their secret entertainment.

It's time to do or die for gladiators in the pit, where refusing to fight is not an option, and warriors can face brutal punishment for not cooperating. Marshall tells of the time he refused to fight. His opponents skinned him and then rolled his bloody body in the dirt of the pit arena. "Next time," Marshall says "I fought."

As a warrior in the pit, Marshall has battled, won and lost again and again, for as long as there are backup bodies. He claims that on any given night of sword fighting, he can go through multiple bodies at one time, each one being activated right after the other.

Marshall claims to have died many times, as a clone, describing the stages of death by blood loss as feeling drunk for a short time, then incredibly sick, then immobile and finally all turns to black, until he open his eyes in a new body.

Marshall explains that when he wakes up in a new body, he immediately feels what is known as pain echoes, which are physical sensations from the last death he suffered. He describes it as a feeling of intense pain upon first awakening, which begins to lessen in waves until all that remains is some shakiness from body shock. Then, as soon as he recovers, it's back to the battlefield.

Marshall says that he's been sword fighting since he was 5 years old, when they first handed him a short sword called a shoto, pushed him into the pit and told him to fight, saying that he had to grow into a big sword, just keep working and he'll get the sword. Marshall didn't want the sword or to sword fight but they would just chop him on full pain sensors again and again. Marshall remembers the first time they put him in the pit with another kid, and told them to fight. Marshall says he refused and threw down his sword, after which his young opponent hacked him to pieces. Each time, someone would just push him back in the ring, saying block and fight. Over time, Marshall says that blocking and trying to de-limb or decapitate his opponent became second nature to avoid pain of torture.

So began Marshall's sword fighting career, all videotaped and shared for the viewing pleasure of audiences around the world. He says that he remembers the cameras being bigger when he was young, but as he got bigger, the cameras got smaller.

Marshall maintains that for years he was trained by experts in different forms of combat sports including wrestling, fencing, and the martial arts of Japanese sword and spear fighting. He says hated his senseis, where all instruction was reinforced with pain and threat of torture. Marshall claims that over time, he eventually surpassed his teachers, and then they began to throw all types of experts at him, Spanish fencers, Swedish musclemen with 2 handed broadswords,
who, Marshall claims, practically cleaved him in two with one stroke. It seemed that everyone wanted to take him down.

Marshall explains that because of his reputation as a musician, he had became legendary among the secret fight clubs located in deep underground military bases world wide. Everyone wanted to meet Marshall, and then beat Marshall. That proved to be difficult, as he had been sword training for most of his life, so he claims that they began to resort to dirty tricks in the pit, like shocking him with electrical current to disable him during a match, or pre-drugging the clone, so once Marshall opened his eyes, he found himself unable to move, let alone fight.

Marshall says they do these things to humiliate him, so celebrities could brag about how they beat him in the ring. Strangely enough, Marshall believes that most of the crowd knew these battles were set up, but still wanted to fight him anyway. Marshall explains that sometimes when he would be struggling to fight under the influence of some drug, he would pretend to be more incapacitated than he really was, so when the celebrity came in close, he would slice off an arm, and then, give him a big chop. Victory was sweet for Marshall, although, he says they always got him back later.

Marshall remembers the time he was told that one well-known celebrity wanted to sword fight him in the ring front of the crowd, but Marshall was told to block, make it look good, and then let the celebrity win. Marshall says he began to fight at first, but soon sliced the celeb's head cleanly off. Afterwards, the celeb retaliated by stabbing him repeatedly in a small private room, while Marshall was in restraints.

Not all the fighting at the clone zone happens in the pit. Today, Marshall is engaged in a different kind of battle, where he fights to alert the public about the deadly brutal games that take place nightly in top-secret military bases around the world. Marshall vows to keep fighting until all cloning centers are shut down permanently.

Luka Magnotta: Canadian Psycho

The world first learned of Luka Magnotta on May 30, 2012, when he was named as a prime suspect in a grisly killing in Montreal, Canada which involved the shipping of human body parts to the headquarters of two political parties. The day before, staffers at the Conservative Party headquarters in Ottawa called police after receiving a package containing a human foot. Ottawa police later intercepted a second package en route to the Liberal Party headquarters containing a human hand. Meanwhile, Montreal police discovered a human torso found in a trash dumpster.

Days before, a video showing a man's murder and dismemberment was uploaded on the internet. The murderer was identified as Magnotta, a 29-year old model and adult film actor from Toronto, while authorities identified the victim as Jun Lin, a 33-year old Chinese national who was studying at Concordia University in Montreal. Police announced that Magnotta left Canada for France on May 26th, sparking an international manhunt which ended June 4th with Magnotta's arrest in an internet cafe in Berlin. On December 23, 2014, Magnotta was found guilty and convicted of first degree murder. He is currently serving a life sentence in Quebec's Archambault Penitentiary with no possibility of parole until 2037.

While media coverage of the case dominated headlines around the world, in fact, Luka Magnotta was even chosen as 2012's Newsmaker of the Year by the Canadian Press, what never was fully explained was: what possible motive did Magnotta have to mail human hands and feet to prominent public officials?

According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, dismemberment is a form of punishment enacted at cloning facilities in deep underground military bases around the world. In these secure locations, elite members of the Illuminati use top-secret cloning technology to bring unwilling participants to the center to service the members as sex slaves.

Marshall claims clone dismemberment is a common form of punishment he's witnessed many times, designed to demoralize the defiant sex slave and train them to be more compliant. Marshall explains that with just stumps for limbs, its hard to fend off a brutal attack. If you fall in the pit, it's hard to get back up, as you can't use your feet to push off the ground. What's more, its painful when dirt comes into contact with the ends of the stumps.

Marshall maintains that there was even a song written about clone dismemberment. Marshall claims the punk rock band the Misfits attend cloning and talk about it in their 1999 song "Helena" which begins with the lyrics "If I cut off your arms and cut off your legs, would you still love me anyway?" which Marshall explains actually means, "Why must I dismember you in order to love you?"

Marshall says he remembers Magnotta from the same cloning center he attends and says he's talked to him many times. According to Marshall, Magnotta was a pretty boy all the men wanted, but he was a fighter and fought back, so to teach him a lesson, they started to chop his clone hands and feet off. Elite Illuminati members would sit in the stands of the arena and watch the action in the pit filmed and projected on the bigscreen for their sick viewing pleasure.

In order to gain a better understanding of Magnotta's motives, it might be helpful to review the contents of the handwritten notes included with the body parts he mailed to both headquarters of the Federal Conservative and Liberal parties in Ottawa, and two schools in Vancouver.

The Conservative Party of Canada headquarters in Ottawa received a package with a severed foot addressed to Prime Minister Harper and his wife, with the note, "Stephen Harper and Laureen Teskey will know who this is: They fucked up big time!"

Ottawa police intercepted a package containing a human hand at a postal center on the same day before it reached the Liberal Party of Canada headquarters in Ottawa. The note inside read: "You need to speak with Laureen Teskey & her family! Lots to Hide!"

A week later, Vancouver police say a human hand was discovered in a package sent to False Creek Elementary School in Vancouver, with the poem:

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
The police will need dental records
To identify you. Bitch."

Hours later the same day, a box with a human foot was found by staff at St. George's School, a private boys school, with a note that read "Die Bitch. Soon"

What was the purpose of sending the notes? What does it all mean?

According to Marshall, Illuminati members all over the world understood why Magnotta sent severed hands and feet to elected officials and school administrators throughout Canada. Since the public is never included in these conversations however, no one ever learns the true meaning behind many news stories.

Marshall claims that in the days before Magnotta's capture, many top public officials at the cloning center were in a state of panic, fearing for their lives.

Once arrested, Magnotta never had the chance to speak to the public, never took the stand or spoke during his criminal trial, so no one had the chance to hear his account of being repeatedly raped and mutilated by top elected officials in his so-called dreams, that had become a living nightmare.

Marshall maintains that the public has a right to know what their elected officials do during the night while the rest of the world sleeps. He calls for an immediate shutdown of all cloning centers and justice for those trapped there.

Severed Feet in the Pacific Northwest: Anyone Missing a Foot?

In 2007, on Jedediah Island in British Columbia, while walking along a beach, a 12-year-old girl stumbled upon a man's sneaker. Looking inside, she found the remains of a human foot.

Six days later and 30 miles away, on Gabriola Island, a couple discovered another foot. The two did not match. They were both right feet.

Five months later, on nearby Valdes Island, forest workers find a third shoe. It was a man's right foot. Nine months after the first foot was found, the caretaker of Kirkland Island found a decomposing foot wearing a woman's right shoe.

Over the period of about a year, seven human feet in sneakers washed ashore in British Columbia and Washington State. After the discovery of the fifth foot, the story began to receive international attention. Theories of serial killers, plane crashes, and tsunami victims became tabloid fodder. Clearly, something grisly was washing ashore. Human feet...

Years later, many questions still remain. In fact, The Mystery of the Disembodied Feet made Time Magazine's Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries, just below the Case of Jack the Ripper and the Zodiac Killer. People are still trying to understand: How can 7 human feet wash ashore in less than a year?

What they do not realize, according to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, is the fact that top-secret experiments in human cloning have been conducted for many decades around the world.  Marshall explains that the public never sees this because all cloning activity takes place many levels down in deep underground military bases built on government-owned property with highly restricted access.

Utilizing top-secret cloning technology is the primary way the Illuminati communicate with each other in secret, without any chance of discovery.  

Marshall maintains that elite scientists use top-secret cloning technology to transfer his individual consciousness from his residence in Eastern Canada, into his identical clone at a cloning center hundreds of miles away, even though his real body never leaves the room and continues to sleep through the night.

Even though Marshall claims to have attended the same cloning center since he was young, he doesn't know its actual location. He believes that the cloning center is located on the private grounds of a large wildlife nature reserve, somewhere within the province of British Columbia, Canada.

Furthermore, it is possible that the cloning center is located within a 5-hour drive by car from serial killer Robert Pickton's pig farm. Marshall claims that Pickton was a low-level member of the Illuminati, filming the murders of prostitutes under the direction of prominent high-level members. Marshall explains that they arranged to have the murders videotaped and brought to the cloning center, where he was forced to watch each and every video recording of the slayings, which left many there psychologically damaged. A worker at the cloning center would pick up the video tapes immediately after the murders and drive them to the cloning center. Marshall states that he would pretend that he couldn't wait to see the next video and would pester them as to when it would be available. Marshall said one time someone told him to relax, that the Pickton pig farm was a "5-hour drive" from the cloning center. Marshall says he knew then that he could use that information in the future to determine the location of the cloning center.

Marshall claims that he's been activated into different military bases all over the world, although he says that he wouldn't necessary even know since, he says that all cloning centers look alike. "I could be activated in a base in Russia, and I wouldn't know", although he says he sometimes notices signs written in a different language or notices that the vending machines are designed to accept a different currency.

According to Marshall, there are many deep levels under the arena of the cloning center; levels reserved for the growing and storing of thousands of clone bodies. Marshall maintains that "you don't walk or fly or drive to the cloning center. They grow you there." He explains that a clone never leaves the cloning center; they grow and dispose of you on-site.

Marshall claims to have seen the grow room, where the clones are grown. These rooms are filled with rows and rows of large, glass tubes, double-stacked and filled with water. There the clones develop, floating in the dark. In addition, Marshall says there are also rooms for storage, where stacked stainless steel racks hold thousands of clones. They are fed a nutritional drink through feeding tubes and rest on shelves with a drain at the bottom for urine. There they sleep, fully dressed, waiting to be activated.

Marshall explains that the care and feeding of the clones continues to the arena concourse where concession stands offer real food for the hungry. Marshall reminds us that time spent in the cloning center is in real time, this is no dream, and people get hungry there after so many hours and need more than a liquid nutritional drink. According to Marshall, they eat a lot of hot dogs and french fries in the clone zone, where even health conscious celebrities enjoy a late night hot dog. They figure, who cares? it's not my real body anyway...

While he claims that there are cloning centers built in deep underground military bases all over the world, Marshall says his cloning center is reserved for only very elite members of the Illuminati and come with special privileges, such as the arena is built above ground, allowing access to fresh air and natural light, as opposed to those built deep underground.

What's more, since only the very famous attend this center, all activities are videotaped and sent by military satellite to the other cloning centers around the world. And even though Marshall has been activated here nightly since he was very small, he was only allowed to go outside on two different occasions. "I looked around," Marshall remembers, "I saw nothing but grass, a dirt road, and trees. No sign of any civilization, no air traffic, no smoke on the horizon, nothing..."

And forget trying to search the location using Google Earth. "They blocked it," says Marshall, who said he was at the cloning center when this happened. "They showed us a satellite view of the cloning center on the bigscreens in the arena and then they just masked the center by overlaying  images of nearby trees, so it just looks like more trees. The center completely disappeared. They did it in front of everyone."

Marshall maintains that cloning centers are driven by reals, powered by clones, who do all the
work, maintenance and clean-up. These clones are stored on-site and activated to work at the cloning center during their dreams, without any pay or compensation...and you thought your job sucked.

Marshall claims that there are a few "reals that run stuff, but you barely ever see them. They stay out of harm's way because clones can malfunction and attack at any time."

While the "reals" need to always be careful, there are safeguards in place should a clone start to display erratic behavior. Marshall explains that each clone has a built-in auto shut-off and can be quickly deactivated. What's more, in the case of an emergency, they can utilize a mass shutdown feature and shut down all the clones with the push of a button.

Marshall explains that all clones start degrading and need to be replaced from time to time depending on how much wear-and-tear is inflicted on the clone. In other words, if you drive it like a rental, many back-up clones will be needed, but those that just sit and watch will need only about one replacement a year. 

But either way, clone disposal is an on-going chore at the cloning center, where human clones are disposed daily, some due to degradation, some due to lost battles in the pit and, according to Marshall, even too much sex can ruin a clone. 

One convenient method of disposing of many clone bodies is to toss them into a chipper, which Marshall describes as a huge garbage disposal set up on a big dumpster. This is where they toss in the discarded clones and gears grind them down. Marshall says he doesn't know what happens to the leftover waste material.

When one considers the number of deep underground military bases around the world, all disposing of many clones on a daily basis, the scale of this clean-up operation is staggering.

So, could it be that The Mystery of the Disembodied Feet could be explained with the realization that there is a secret cloning center located in the province of British Columbia? Is it possible that someone didn't bother to remove the shoes from the clones before tossing them in the chipper? That way, the rest of the clone was crushed, leaving behind the shoes, with the feet still inside, and someone just dumped a bunch of sneaker-clad feet off the coast, where they slowly started to resurface, one by one by one...

Sound too far-fetched? Let's re-examine the findings of the official investigation as to why human feet suddenly began washing up on remote beaches in British Columbia and Washington state.

The first foot was discovered by a 12-year-old girl on Jedediah Island off the coast of Vancouver. Six days later, another foot washed ashore on nearby Gabriola Island.

Authorities were mystified. "It was a regular foot with the skin intact," Royal Canadian Mounted Police Cpl. Garry Cox told Alberni Valley Times, "It didn't appear to be there too long because it wasn't that decomposed" Cox told reporters from the Vancouver Sun that "Finding one foot is like a million-to-one odds, but to find two is crazy."

Then came the third... discovered by beachcombers on February 8, 2007 on the east side of Valdez Island, just south of Gabriola. The finding of the third foot made it the first time in forensic history three such discoveries had ever been made so close to each other.

Soon, this strange news story caught fire and quickly spread around the world, causing many to speculate as to the possible origin of the feet. Many theories were floated as to why feet were washing ashore, from belonging to missing fishermen, drowning victims or victims of a plane crash, to the work of drug dealers, serial killers, human traffickers, or even organized crime using the coastline as a body dump. And strangely enough, while early reports referred to the feet as severed, this would soon change to more general terms, e.g., mysterious feet, disembodied feet, detached and even, disarticulated feet.

Within four months, two more feet would surface, and the story began to receive international media attention, with major headlines from newspapers in Australia and South Africa. The case of the feet-on-the-beach were called astounding and almost beyond explanation, especially when no other body parts turned up.

Less than a month later, a fifth foot surfaced, discovered by two hikers, floating in water near Westham Island.  People wanted to know: What was happening here?

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police decided to hold a press conference in Delta, B.C. a month later to announce that they had successfully matched two of the feet to the same missing person. A right foot found on Valdes Island on February 8th and a left foot found on June 16th on Westham Island were determined to belong to the same male. What's more, RCMP Constable Annie Linteau said that there was no evidence that the feet had even been severed, and that it looked a "natural process of separation," even though earlier reports claimed that the feet appeared to have been deliberately severed with the bones "cut clean across".

Less than two years later, six more feet would surface from such places as Whidbey Island in Washington state to floating in water off the Vancouver Marina. Reports continued to claim the feet had articulated naturally due to the water.

It wouldn't be until February 18th, 2012 when the British Columbia Coroner's Office announced that they had cracked the Case of the Disembodied Feet when they were able to identify one foot as belonging to a Vancouver resident who had been missing since 1987.

These feet, said the Coroner's Office, most likely belonged to suicides, some of whom jumped from bridges spanning the powerful Fraser River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean at Vancouver. Once the bodies sink, the police explained, it begins to decompose, limbs begin to separate and marine life begins to feed.  "It's very explainable", said coroner Steve Fonseca, who worked each case, "The unusual nature of this is that the feet were found in a very short period of time." He goes on to claim that many suicides go unreported due to the shame involved or uncertainty over cause of death.

Fonseca told the Huffington Post Canada that feet are often found because the shoes of the victims are often buoyant. When the body decomposes the shoes, as well as the remains inside, float to the surface. "I don't think there's a soul out there that doesn't check every shoe they find on a beach," he said.

There you have the official explanation of this puzzling case by the B.C. Coroner's office, that is, that the feet belong to suicides that jumped to their death from bridges, where their feet naturally disarticulate at the ankle due to being submerged in water. What's more, finding feet-on-the-beach is more common than one would think, in fact, is there anyone who doesn't feel compelled to look for a missing foot while walking on the beach? I know I do!

This is why, according to Marshall, top-secret government crimes never reach the public. As in "The Case of the Disembodied Feet", all evidence is explained away by a vast network of experts, sold as truth by the media, and then quickly forgotten.

Marshall claims that nothing will change unless the public demands to know the truth about what really goes on in top-secret underground military bases. He calls for an immediate shut down of all cloning centers worldwide.

The Secret of Vril

Marshall claims that there is a secret that has been kept by members of the Illuminati for more than 70 years, a secret of such great importance, as to effect the lives of every man, woman and child on the face of the planet. Marshall states that his mission in life is to share this secret with the world, so that all can know the truth and plan for the future.

In order to fully understand this secret, it will be necessary to return to the events of Postwar Germany, following the end of World War I, where, in 1923, Hitler was named the leader of the new Nazi party. Following a failed attempt to overthrow the federal government, Hitler was arrested for treason. While awaiting trial in Landsberg prison, he read Bulwer-Lytton's 1871 novel: Vril: The Power of the Coming Race about a master-race of beings who call themselves the Vril-ya. They claim to be the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis, with access to an extraordinary force called Vril, an unlimited source of energy that supplies all their needs and can be controlled at will. Hitler believed the novel to be true and once made Chancellor of Germany, he would send teams of spelunkers into caves and mines all over Europe searching for the Vril-ya. He dispatched regular expeditions to Asia, especially Tibet, where Nazi explorers made significant connections with influential Tibetan lamas, who had expert knowledge about the underground tunnel and cavern systems around the world. Legend was these Tibetan lamas guarded a secret entrance to the Inner World, known as the Red Door, hidden within the Potala palace in the mountain city of Lhasa. Once a Nazi-Tibetan alliance was formed, the lamas agreed to share with them that for centuries, they had been helping to hide an indigenous race of lizard living deep within the planet since prehistoric times, known as Vril lizards. It seems that these lizards knew the location of an abandoned military base dating back from the time of Atlantis, filled with ancient aircraft, weaponry and technology hidden within the tunnels and caverns of Antarctica. The lizards had no use for the tech, but they were willing to trade for something else they wanted. The lizards were carnivorous and preferred to consume fresh human flesh. And so, a deal was made. The Nazis got the ancient Atlantean tech and sold out the human race.

But according to Marshall, this is not the first time Vril lizards have interacted with humans. He claims that for centuries, royalty, powerful heads of state and trusted religious leaders around the world have kept a secret pact with the malevolent lizards. World leaders would receive valuable resources buried deep within the planet, such as gemstones, gold and other minerals and, in exchange, these leaders would conceal all evidence of the Vril from the surface population, so no one would learn of their existence. In addition to helping them hide, Vril lizards required that they be provided with a steady supply of humans to consume.

However, Marshall says that keeping the Secret of Vril not only refers to hiding the lizards and denying their existence, but also refers to an even bigger secret. Being a parasitic race,  Vril lizards have the unique biological ability to invade the human body, take over the brain, and by accessing their memories, they can look, act and seem human in every way.  After a period of recovery, the human is able to return to its normal activities, except the brain is now under the complete control of the Vril parasite.

Much like the 1956 scifi classic The Invasion of the  Body Snatchers, in which the inhabitants of a small California town are replaced, one by one, with identical copies of themselves, Marshall warns us that we've already been invaded, we just don't know it.
Marshall explains that Vril lizards are essentially parasites, and like all parasites, have a biological drive to invade, dominate and take over. Marshall refers to this biological takeover as "bodysnatching" and explains that the human victim dies once the Vril lizard takes over.

Marshall says that with the help of the Illuminati, bodysnatching Vril lizards have infiltrated all levels of society and hold positions of power all over the world.

This is done in order to remove key people and replace them with Vril hosts. Marshall states that Vril hosts can be found everywhere, in all levels of government, business, banking, military, law enforcement, journalism, media and entertainment.

Just how is this bodysnatching process accomplished?

According to Marshall, Vril lizards have a natural proboscis at the top of their head, from which they eject a type of thick cerebrospinal fluid. When this fluid enters the human, usually through the eye and from there, to the brain, a chemical transformation immediately begins to take place. The victim essentially dies, leaving the lizard parasite in complete control of all brain function. After a period of recovery, the Vril host can return to its' regular activities, looking, acting and seeming completely normal.

Marshall reports that the Illuminati even hold a special bodysnatching ceremony to celebrate this Vril lizard takeover. Guests watch as the victim, conscious, though usually bound, is restrained and forced to sit still, until the lizard transfer is complete. Marshall claims to have seen this sick bodysnatching ceremony many times.

Marshall claims that the Illuminati bodysnatch many people, in every country, all over the world. They sometimes choose victims from incarcerated prisoners or longterm patients in hospitals and medical facilities; anywhere they have easy access to people, they will bodysnatch and replace them with a Vril host.

Anyone can be bodysnatched and, according to Marshall, he's even seen this done to young children. Furthermore, Marshall claims that all loyal families within the Illuminati are expected to offer one of their children to be replaced by a Vril host. They comply since there is the unspoken threat that should they prove to be difficult, they can be bodysnatched at any time. Marshall says he has even seen bodysnatching done with just a couple of guys holding someone down while the victim is screaming, no ceremony required.

According to Marshall, the Illuminati utilize this unique parasitic ability of the lizards to further their own dark agenda. They are able to remove those resistant to their goals without anyone even noticing, and with Vril bodysnatching, the troublesome person is now replaced with an Illuminati spy, infinitely loyal and willing to report back everything they see and hear.

It is crucial to understand Vril lizard psychology, since Marshall maintains that all Vril lizards want to be human. They admire human intelligence and the beautiful human form. They want to crawl out from deep underground into the light and walk unnoticed among humanity. However, they are not human and have no capacity to feel human emotions. In fact, as malevolent lizards, they enjoy causing pain and suffering. Marshall reveals that Vril hosts are responsible for much of the senseless crimes and spree killings that occur. However, Vril hosts are excellent mimics and make convincing humans. And since there is no way to detect the presence of a Vril host, except with an MRI scan of the brain, most members of the Illuminati pretend to like the lizards and are friendly to Vril hosts, since no one is ever certain if they are talking to a host or human.

According to Marshall, prehistoric Vril lizards have been bodysnatching humans throughout history, even during ancient times. He claims that they are, in part, responsible for the destruction of the island of Atlantis, where legend tells lived an advanced civilization that existed in the Atlantic ocean. Marshall reports that Vril hosts had bodysnatched and infiltrated their way into positions of power throughout Atlantean culture, where they destroyed themselves with advanced weaponry, causing cataclysmic flooding and earthquakes.

Marshall asserts that Vril lizards often infiltrate human societies, by targeting individuals in the ruling class, royalty or priesthood. Once they are in positions of power, Vril lizards attempt to convince the humans to worship them as either gods or demons; something to be feared and obeyed without question.

As gods, Vril lizards would demand human sacrifices as a show of loyalty and devotion. In these cultures, it was considered an honor to be bodysnatched and chosen to become a god. The people didn't understand the biological nature of the takeover of the brain, and thought it was some kind of mystical or magical transformation.

As demons, Vril lizards were deeply feared. Old legends warn travelers against going into certain haunted caves and mountains, and to beware when darkness falls as this was the time when demons would creep about, stealing babies and livestock. When Vril lizards would bodysnatch a victim, the person was later said to be demon possessed and various means would be attempted to drive the demons out.

Many cultures around the world attempted to limit Vril lizard infestation, and Marshall says most, at some point, "start sharpening pointy sticks". For example, The Hopi Indian culture successfully drove off Vril lizards, while the ancient Anasazi Indians of New Mexico, were forced to leave behind their elaborate cliff dwellings in order to relocate far away from nearby Vril infested caves.

Throughout history, the lizards stayed hidden underground, in dark caves and tunnels, trying to avoid discovery. Some royal families kept Vril lizards as pets, and used them to instill fear in those not showing the proper loyalty to the crown. Some world religious leaders also knew of the lizards, had secret alliances with them, and agreed to help them.

In the 1940's, a secret pact was forged between the Nazis and the lizards making them mutual allies. Conditions of the pact required directing tremendous resources to assist the Vril lizards, including the building of deep, underground military bases worldwide. This would allow the lizards a way to interact directly with humans which, in turn, would permit the massive, government sponsored bodysnatching so prevalent around the world today.

If we can assume that all this is true, that bodysnatching malevolent lizards have infiltrated human society and are replacing us, one by one, without raising any alarm, one might ask: Wouldn't someone try to tell people and save humanity?

According to Marshall, President Ronald Reagan tried to warn the public on numerous occasions from 1985 to1988. In an important speech to the United Nation General Assembly on September 21st, 1987, at the height of the Star Wars space race with Russia, Reagan mused, "In our obsession with the antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask: is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our people then war and the threat of war?"

Marshall states that the Illuminati forgave Reagan's comments at first, but when he continued to talk about aliens living among us, they "blew his mind and called it Alzheimer's".

Marshall encourages us to remember the ultimate Vril lizard agenda, which he claims has remained unchanged for centuries: to infiltrate human society and take over the planet. Marshall warns us to act quickly to spread the news, as anyone can be bodysnatched. As the ending from "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" warns us:  They're already here. You're next.

E.T. Phone Home: Unlimited talk, text and no roaming charges

Steven Spielberg's E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial is a 1982 scifi blockbuster about a lonely boy who befriends an extraterrestrial stranded on Earth. The story begins in a California forest, where a group of alien botanists land their spaceship in order to collect plant samples, but when government agents appear on the scene, the aliens flee, leaving one of their own behind. Ten-year-old Elliot discovers the alien in the family tool shed and decides to help hide the creature in his bedroom. The E.T. "phones home" by building a makeshift communication device using toys, appliances and other household objects to send a call for help to his home planet.

However, one could say, no need to phone home when you already are home...

According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, we are not alone, but secretly share the planet with an ancient race of aliens, who have occupied Earth for many millions of years, and could hardly be regarded as alien, considering their ancestors have thrived here since prehistoric times.

Unknown to the public, this race of intelligent lizard, known as the Vril, have built secret colonies deep underground, in essence, living a parallel existence to humanity, and rarely coming into direct contact with them.

Scientists agree that geological evidence around the world support the theory of an extinction event some 66 million years ago that extinguished the life of a wide range of plants and animals on the planet. Many agree that the impact of a massive asteroid caused world-wide devastation. Marshall claims that the Vril survived this event due to the fact that they lived so far below the surface. He says the lizards still remain there today, as they have for centuries, in deep tunnels, caves, and caverns all around the world.

Over eons of time, Vril lizards successfully evolved to life deep underground, Marshall explains, since they do not require much oxygen to breathe and are not affected by the intense pressure found at deep subterranean levels. Essentially diggers, they use their claws to create vast networks of tunnels criss-crossing large territories deep underground.

The Vril form highly organized colonies, that range in size from relatively small to those with masses of lizards collectively working together to support the colony. With millions of years in existence, colonies of Vril lizards can be found all over the world under almost every landmass on Earth.

Due to a complete absence of light, the Vril depend on sonar to see and use sound to navigate their underground world. With a language consisting primarily of clicks and whistles, the Vril have secretly lived for centuries, in total darkness, deep underground.

There is virtually no possibility for the public to ever encounter a Vril lizard, since the lizards are not allowed to surface and live completely enclosed in deep underground military bases which, officially, do not even exist. Constructed on government-owned land with restricted access, one would need a high security clearance to even come within range of an underground base.

According to Marshall, the Vril are evil and malevolent by nature. He says that they think of the planet as belonging to them with humans as merely surface grazers. Marshall claims to have had numerous encounters with the ancient lizards since childhood. As an unwilling participant in top-secret government black projects, Marshall explains that he was forced to attend secret meetings in cloning centers located in deep underground military bases. Here, members of the Illuminati privately mingle with the Vril and allow the lizards direct access to humans.

In these bases, the Vril live a life of privilege, where they are catered to and their every desire indulged. Marshall reports that on many occasions, he has even seen organized hunts arranged for their pleasure, as the Vril are aggressive predators whose favorite prey is fresh human.

 Marshall tells how in ancient times, Vril lizards would emerge from underground late at night to hunt. Since they cannot tolerate sunlight, night was an ideal time for packs of Vril to raid nearby communities. Marshall explains that the lizards have been stealing humans and animals from the surface for millions of years. 

Now that the lizards have moved up in the world and no longer need to hunt for survival, it seems that they sometimes miss the good old days of hunting in the wild so, to accommodate the creatures, governments the world over recreate the same conditions in deep underground military bases. 

Marshall has witnessed this many times in the arena theater at the cloning center, where the lights will dim, to allow for the Vril's sensitive night vision. Some poor unfortunate soul is released into the pit, scared and confused. Slowly, a pack of Vril lizards advance forward, while the victim drops and curls up, terrified at the sight of the deadly monsters. The lizards then go into attack frenzy as they swarm, bite and drain the victim dry.

According to Marshall, Vril lizards have a toxic saliva , that has evolved over the centuries to bring down big game. On a human scale, it's poison overkill; one bite and you drop.

Marshall claims that there's even a song written about this by legendary rock band Nirvana. In their 1991 song "Drain You", a victims's deathly high-pitched screech can be heard at 2.32. Marshall claims this sound is commonly heard as Vril toxins speed through the victim's body just before dropping dead. Although Marshall says sometimes it's just a silent scream, as the victim's muscles seize up in seconds; no time to even scream...

Incidentally, Marshall also explains that the strange squeaks heard in the song at 1:46 are not caused by a rubber duck toy, as reported, but are the recorded sounds from young Vril hatchlings. 

One might ask: Why would any world government agree to this?

Marshall maintains that, in order to fully understand why, it would be necessary to return to the events surrounding World War II where, throughout the 1930's, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler sent teams of Nazi explorers to scour the planet, in search of a secret entrance to the fabled inner Earth where, he believed, lived an ancient race of Supermen known as the Vril-ya. In time, the Nazis forged an alliance with Tibetian monks, who understood exactly what they were searching for and, deep within their fortress monasteries, introduced them to the prehistoric Vril.

According to Marshall, the lizards knew where a treasure trove of Atlantean technology lay forgotten over many centuries. They were willing to disclose the secret location, for a price. In exchange for the ancient technology, the Nazis agreed to build underground structures where the lizards could interact with humans and, in addition, they would provide the Vril with fresh supplies of humans to terrorize and consume.

While the public will most likely never get the chance to see a Vril lizard, members of the Illuminati the world over have seen the Vril on numerous occasions. Protected by the terms of a secret alliance, the Vril no longer hide in the shadows, but are welcomed to interact with humans in deep underground military bases all over the world. This is where members meet in top-secret cloning centers to plan future events and watch disgusting things done to innocent people. There, the prehistoric lizards' sick fantasies are indulged with unlimited freedoms and special privileges. Marshall reports that the terms of this secret alien pact would extend in time to include the involvement of all members of the Illuminati in nearly every country of the world.

Marshall explains that only high-level Illuminati members are allowed to meet them, since once you learn the Secret of Vril, you are bound to honor the terms of the pact; there is virtually no way out. Forget about alerting the public. Seems a quick introduction to the fearsome creatures have turned many a potential whistleblower silent. Marshall maintains that fear of the lizards are instinctual to humans, with many needing to be medicated just to tolerate their presence.

Donald Marshall believes that the public has a right to know about Vril lizards and speaks out to expose this alien pact that has secretly enslaved humanity for decades.

Aliens Among Us: They're here...

The Invasion is a 2007 scifi thriller and the latest film adaptation of director Don Siegel's classic 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers, in which alien spores arrive on Earth to form pods that grow and replace humans with exact copies of themselves. In this version, the alien spores contaminate a space shuttle as it returns to Earth. The shuttle crashes, scattering debris from Dallas, Texas to Washington, D.C., spreading the alien virus to all who come into contact with it. Soon, news reports of a fast-acting flu spread throughout the capital, with the sick in numbering epidemic proportions.

Soon after, Psychiatrist Dr. Carole Bennell begins to notice a change in the behavior of those around her, from a patient who claims that "my husband isn't my husband anymore", to her own son who notices that his dad is "different".

Later, Bennell witnesses a fatal car accident, where a woman is struck and killed moments after running through lanes of stopped traffic, pounding on car windows in an attempt to warn others saying that "They're coming...! We got to warn people...!" When she reaches Bennell's car, the woman screams, "They're among us. They're here..."

The idea of an alien invasion is a common theme in science fiction films and novels, involving aliens landing on Earth, killing or abducting people, fighting and defeating it's military forces, and then destroying major cities. The aliens come from many places, from the depths of hell to the center of the planet, or even the distant future. The aliens usually arrive to steal, kill human life and destroy the planet's resources. In some cases, the aliens even take human form, allowing them to move freely throughout society and assume command positions in order to fulfill their ultimate purpose: total world domination.

According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, we are currently under a state of alien invasion, only no one is aware of the attack because they look just like us. He claims that they live among us now, undetected. "They could be your friend, neighbor or coworker. They look human, but they're not..."

We are not alone, Marshall says, but secretly share the planet with a ancient race of intelligent lizard known as the Vril. He maintains that they have occupied Earth for millions of years, living in tunnels, caverns and caves deep underground, making little contact with the surface population. Marshall claims that most world governments have made agreements with the Vril to hide their existence from the people and, in exchange, world leaders are given the opportunity to utilize the lizards in a unique way.

Marshall explains that the Vril are essentially parasites and have the natural ability to invade and steal the brain in a process that Marshall calls bodysnatching.

This begins when the lizard ejects it's quill, containing the brain and spinal cord through a proboscis located at the top of it's head. The quill then enters the eye of the victim, where it travels around the eyeball to a specific location of the brain. Once there, a chemical reaction begins immediately, resulting in the complete parasitic domination of the victim's brain.

According to Marshall, they "stick their spinal cord in your eye and turn you into a walking lizard".

Apparently, the Vril have been using this process to steal bodies for millions of years. Vril bodysnatching has been ritualized and romanticized by various religions around the world, who believed that this allowed the transformation of ordinary mortals into supernatural gods.

Marshall reports that the tremendous rate of bodysnatching currently being practiced is off the scale and could not be possible without the cooperation of governments world-wide; your tax dollars at work...

Marshall claims that the lizards proved to be surprisingly useful to the Illuminati, as a way to replace problem people without the general public even suspecting. Furthermore, Vril hosts are infinitely loyal to the Illuminati, and operate as secret, undercover spies, reporting back everything they see and hear. Hosts are willing to help in any way since, as Marshall says, "They're just happy to be human."

If this sounds too incredible to be true, one can turn to the natural world to find many examples of parasites and parasitic behavior. National Geographic recently published "Mindsuckers: Meet Nature's Nightmare," showing a variety of ways that parasites mind control their hosts, turning them into the walking dead. "Some parasites can alter the behavior of their host in ways that give the parasite a better home, or provide more nutrients, or cause the host to move to a different environment," says Janice Moore, a biologist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. These masters of mind control manipulate their hosts from within, causing them to act in self-destructive ways that ultimately benefit the parasite.

In the case of the Vril, the primary drive is to invade, infiltrate and take over. Marshall warns that Vril hosts might look human, but are not and would "kill you in an instant, without remorse..."

According to Marshall,Vril hosts are responsible for much of the vicious, senseless crimes reported in the news. They lack compassion and have no capacity to feel.

What's more, Marshall claims that there aren't many ways to detect Vril hosts, since they look and act human in every way. However, he reports that an MRI can detect the irreparable brain damage sustained during the bodysnatching process.

Marshall confirms that there are many Vril hosts in society, pretending to be human, from all walks of life, including world famous rock stars, U.S. senators and other politicians, even some U.N. delegates are actually secret Vril lizards. And don't relax around the guy next door, Marshall claims there's more hosts out there than you think.

Marshall maintains that since anyone can be bodysnatched and turned into a host, no one is safe. He says that Illuminati members are threatened that they will be bodysnatched themselves, should they even attempt to speak out. For that reason, Marshall says that "no one is going to tell you about the Vril, but me".

According to Marshall,  the danger of Vril bodysnatching is an urgent global crisis that needs to be exposed. He says they plan to take over the world, one by one by one...

Extraordinary Proof: The Search for the Existence of Vril

In this photo from the 1950's, Spanish surrealist painter, Salvador Dali presents an unknown creature for our consideration while in the background, a patient recovers from surgery in a hospital bed, with head wrapped and eye bandaged.

Dali was well-known for bizarre, arresting artwork and public stunts. However, one can only wonder as to the message delivered in this disturbing photograph; what does it all mean? 

Is it possible this shows the artist with the discarded remains of a Vril lizard moments after an act of Vril bodysnatching?

According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, we share the planet with an ancient race of intelligent lizard that have occupied Earth for millions of years, known as the Vril. Marshall claims that world governments have agreed to hide the lizard's existence, in exchange for the opportunity to utilize their natural ability to invade and steal the brain in a process that he calls bodysnatching.

Marshall explains that the process begins when the lizard ejects it's quill, a sticky material containing the brain and spinal cord through a proboscis at the top of the head. The quill then needs to enter the eye of the victim, and from there travels to the brain, where a chemical takeover immediately begins, resulting in the complete parasitic domination of the brain. Marshall says that the human victim dies in the process and, after a period of recovery, the Vril host can return to its' regular activities, looking, acting and seeming completely normal. 

Could this image be photographic evidence of the Vril bodysnatching that Marshall contends secretly takes place in hospitals, military bases and other government facilities all over the world?

American astronomer Carl Sagan once said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." In order to substantiate this, we need to ask the question: Where is the proof?

Marshall explains that it would be near impossible to find any physical evidence of Vril lizards since, under the terms of their agreement with world governments, the lizards are not allowed nor are provided with any access to the surface.

However, interestingly enough, an image surfaced on the internet that Marshall claims is the partial remains of a Vril Lizard. He reports that the skull and ribcage are intact, with the proboscis at the top of the head, as well as the eye cavities, where there were eyestalks at one time. Missing, states Marshall, is the lower body, including arms and legs. He says that the wings, torso and tail seen in the video have been added.

This specimen resembles a Jenny Haviner which is, supposedly, the dried carcass of a ray or skate, stretched and modified into a bizarre creature. Several can be still be found in private collections, with one on display at the Natural History Museum in London. It's said that long-ago sailors would create and sell these oddities as "mermaids" from far off lands, even though in their time, many believed they were the remains of miniature dragons or monsters.

Marshall explains that occasionally the carcass of a dead Vril is discovered, usually in some isolated area, as mummified remains from the past. If reported, various government agencies will immediately confiscate the specimen for "scientific research" and remove it from public view.

Aside from the lack of physical evidence, the search for any historical evidence to support the existence of the Vril will also be difficult to find since, in the past, Marshall reports the lizards have always hid in the shadows, spending their lives tunneling in deep underground caverns and caves.

However, one can find a few examples from the past, such as this apparent depiction of a Vril lizard feeding from a plant in a hand-drawn illustration from the Voynich Manuscript.

This medieval book surfaced when Wilfred Voynich purchased a collection of rare illuminated manuscripts in 1916 and discovered one volume to be entirely written in an unknown code. Now known as the Voynich Manuscript, the book consists of over 200 pages of parchment, richly illustrated with plants, stars and alchemical secrets.

In this case, one can see what has been described as a "cute little dragon" feeding in a garden. However, since the Voynich Manuscript appears to be written to preserve scientific information, one can rule out that the illustration was meant to be fanciful. Could these be instructions on what plants to grow to order to deter Vril lizards from invading your property?

Voynich brought the manuscript to eminent codebreaking experts around the world, who were unable to decipher a single word. Today the manuscript is preserved at the Yale University Library, where it remains as much a mystery as ever.

Another depiction of the lizards might be found in this authentic 16th-century English woodcut of a village witch engaged in the care and feeding of a trio of strange pets, which she stores in a cabinet for safe-keeping. Could this be a medieval representation of Vril lizards?

It remains difficult to find much physical evidence to support the existence of the Vril since Marshall claims that all references were intentionally wiped from historical record after the 1930's.

The Ahnenerbe was a research institute in Nazi Germany whose official mission was to find new evidence of the racial heritage of the German people. Created by Reichfuhrer Heinrich Himmler in 1935, the Ahnenerbe (meaning "inherited from the forefathers") would fund and send scientific teams all over the world, in search of the culture and history of the Aryan race.

For example, in the course of five years, expeditions were sent to study petroglyph rock carvings in Sweden, prehistoric rock inscriptions in Italy and ancient cave systems in Bavaria and France. Furthermore, members of the Ahnenerbe also seized priceless objects of historical interest from numerous exhibits throughout Europe, looting museums by the trainload. This also extended to works of scholarly interest, where witnesses claim the Nazis ravaged and seized whole libraries. 

According to Marshall, many early depictions of Vril in cave paintings or rock art were destroyed, old books and manuscripts burned, as part of the agreement to hide all knowledge of the Vril from the populace.

In fact, the Voynich Manuscript was acquired as part of private collection that had been recently discovered locked in a chest in a European castle. Essentially buried for centuries, the manuscript escaped the mid-century Nazi purge. One can only wonder how many other representations of Vril lizards were destroyed in an attempt to conceal their existence from the public.

Marshall believes his mission in life is to inform the world about the ancient lizards, since he says, "no one's going to tell you about them but me".

Gods and Monsters

These ancient stone statues, located on the island of Nuku Hiva, part of the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia, are considered some of the strangest ever seen, in that they seem to represent beings that aren't human. Their disproportionately elongated heads, wide mouths and huge eyes have caused some to speculate whether they are representations of ancient aliens who, some claim, visited Earth long ago and influenced cultures all over the world.

While some liken the statues to aliens, others might find a reptilian resemblance as well. According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, we share the planet with an ancient race of intelligent lizard that have occupied Earth for millions of years.

Marshall explains that prehistoric Vril lizards have co-existed with humans since ancient times, where they were seen either as gods worthy of worship or demons to be feared and obeyed. He claims the lizards have played many different roles in the history of mankind and have been called by many different names, pretending to be our gods, demigods, guardians or even distant ancestors.

By interacting with only a select few, the public would rarely see or come into direct contact with the lizards, unless one was a member of the inner circle of the temples or those of the highest orders of the priesthood.

In addition, the Vril would also enjoy the protection of many generations of royal families, privileged politicians and spiritual leaders, who would agree to assist the lizards and keep their presence a secret.

He maintains that world governments have agreed to help hide the existence of Vril lizards, in exchange for the opportunity to utilize their natural ability to invade and steal the brain in a process that Marshall calls bodysnatching.

In some cultures, the Vril's ability to bodysnatch took on a spiritual significance, as it was seen as a divine transformation, where one began life as a mere mortal to then transcend into becoming a god. Centuries ago, there was no understanding about parasites and the parasitic process. Many devoted followers submitted to the process of bodysnatching, discarding their former lives, and surrendering themselves to the gods. Other cultures, Marshall reports, thought of bodysnatching as a type of demonic possession, and engaged in holy rites to try to drive the evil out.

Marshall claims that whether seen as gods or demons, Vril lizards have a drive to bodysnatch, infiltrate social groups, and then systematically take over, with each new Vril host assisting the others in finding more to bodysnatch.

For that reason, some cultures around the world used various methods in an attempt to control  Vril infestation, from the building of housing structures high on cliffs as in the case of the Anasazi Indians of New Mexico, to the construction of pyramids that act as secret Vril traps.

The ancient Egyptians were expert Vril slayers, says Marshall, with ingenious solutions, such as the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza in El Giza, Egypt. Believed to have been built as a tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu around 2560 BC, the Great Pyramid is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis and the only one to remain largely intact.

Egyptologists have long been mystified by the presence of narrow shafts built within the thick walls of both the King and Queen's Chamber. The purpose of these shafts is not clear. They were once to be air shafts for ventilation, but this idea has now been widely abandoned in favor of the theory that the shafts serve a ritualistic purpose associated with the ascension of the King's spirit to the heavens. According to Marshall, however, the shafts were designed to drive Vril lizards deep into a lower chamber, from which there was no exit. Vril lizards would enter the pyramid and once trapped, had no escape. This helped keep the Vril lizard population under control for a long time.

Marshall informs us that the Vril survived throughout the ages with the assistance of powerful royal families, from select Illuminati bloodlines. These families secretly hid the Vril in their dungeons, fortresses, and castle strongholds for generations, where they were regarded with affection as pets, useful as spies, unmatched as weapons. The royals found the lizards remarkably useful in the replacement of problem people, in a time when one could simply go missing from the court; no questions asked. What's more, if there was difficulty establishing favorable relations with a neighboring kingdom, all one would have to do, is invite the entire royal family to visit for a feast in their honor, to celebrate a royal wedding perhaps...? After several weeks of festivities and Vril bodysnatching, it's extraordinary how close one can become with one's new in-laws.

Marshall reports that the Vril will also bodysnatch animals, given the opportunity. One can only wonder if this explains the medieval belief that cats were evil and thought to be in league with the devil. The witch's familiar, a concept common throughout the middle ages, consisted of the use of enchanted animals, typically cats, owls, or toads, to assist the witch in her craft and spellwork. The familiar would offer protection for the witch as a loyal servant and secret spy. Perhaps this suspicion of witches using Vril-hosted cats as familiars and companions can provide an explanation for the massive witch hunts beginning in 15th-century Europe. Over the course of three hundred years, over 50,000 so-called witches were accused of worshipping the Devil, tortured into confessions and then executed. For safe measure, their familiars were often killed along with them.

Furthermore, the persistent belief that local cats were demon possessed not only led to the point where cats were driven out of towns and villages, but encouraged the public torture of cats as of a form of popular entertainment, with some towns holding such bizarre spectacles as yearly cat festivals where live cats were thrown from high towers and some even ritualistically set on fire.

Naturally, this practice of killing cats led to a decline in the cat population of Europe, which indirectly may have led to one of the most devastating epidemics in human history.

In the early 1330's, an outbreak of deadly bubonic plague originated from the trading posts of Imperial China, and spread throughout Western Asia and Europe. Believed to have been caused by infected rats, traders unwittingly carried the rats aboard merchant trade ships to spread the disease westward from Asia along trade routes. Known as the Black Death because of the black spots it produced on the skin, an estimated 25 million people, one-third the population of Europe, were dead after just 5 years. Medieval medicine had nothing to combat the spread of the disease, and doctors were at a loss to explain the cause which, at the time, was attributed to the affects of God's wrath on the populace. Perhaps this degree of devastation could have been avoided had more cats been allowed to live and naturally control the rodent population.

In fact, one may be able to re-evaluate most major events in human history in search of the contributions of Vril hosts and their human allies. For example, could the Vril be in part responsible for fostering the mass hysteria that led to the Inquisitions that raged for centuries throughout Europe and the Americas, resulting in the deaths of millions?

According to Marshall, the very nature of the parasitic Vril is to invade, bodysnatch, and take over. One can only wonder how many events in human history were secretly manipulated from the shadows by lizards, in order to further their agenda to bodysnatch and take over the world. He claims the Vril aren't gods, demons or monsters; they're just a bunch of stinky lizards; they bleed red and die.

Selling Immortality

According to their website, the main goals of the Avatar 2045 Initiative is to create technologies enabling the transfer of an individual's personality to a more advanced non-biological carrier, extending life to the point of immortality. They state that they hope to realize a new strategy for humanity's development, and in so doing, create a more productive, fulfilling and satisfying future.

According to Marshall, Avatar 2045 is just another well-funded PR campaign using drip-feed disclosure to introduce the science of human cloning and microchip brain implant technology to the public which Marshall claims, members of the elite have secretly utilized for many decades.

According to Marshall, human cloning is not only possible, but has been practiced by the Illuminati since the 1940's, when world leaders would send their human clones in public as a safety measure against assassinations. Today, he explains that a type of cloning technology called R.E.M. Driven Human Cloning is used to transfer full human consciousness into a clone copy during normal R.E.M. sleep cycles.

Marshall claims that this is accomplished by using blood or tissue samples to create an identical clone body stored in a remote location, and once that person is asleep, secret technology is used to transfer their consciousness to their clone double, complete with personality and memories intact. Marshall explains that this is the primary way the Illuminati communicate, by using the hours of sleep to meet in underground military bases, to discuss and plan future world events. Furthermore, he tells us that there are entire floors at each base where clone bodies are grown in large glass tubes, stored on stainless steel racks and activated when needed.

Marshall explains that once he falls asleep at night, and enters natural R.E.M. sleep, he opens his eyes to find himself in an identical clone body at a top secret military base, and he says he is trapped there until his anchor body wakes up, at which time, his clone body deactivates and drops to the floor. According to Marshall, he was 5 years old when he remembered being brought to the cloning center by his mother for the first time. He says he never remembered how he got there, only remembers being there. In fact, Marshall claims that many of those at the cloning center don't fully understand how they get there, as only some are told the truth. Many are told that they are in another dimension, or on the astral plane. Very few are informed that they have been cloned and have had their consciousness transferred to a clone body kept and maintained at a top secret military base. In fact, when Marshall first posted his online expose in late 2011, many members read this and were angry to learn the truth for the first time.

According to Marshall, R.E.M. Cloning began as a way for world leaders to meet secretly and plan global events. However, these meetings gradually devolved into a sick, nightly spectacle where hundreds of Illuminati members gather to watch children and adults get hurt, tortured and murdered in bizarre ways. Marshall says that it makes Illuminati members feel powerful to watch horrible things done to innocent victims. Some members just pretend to enjoy the show, but secretly want out. Trapped by cloning technology into attending the cloning center every night, they see no way out. According to Marshall, every once in a while someone will speak out and say they don't want to attend anymore. The Illuminati will then use them as an example for the others and they end up ruined, destroyed and in some cases, dead. Marshall hopes that by exposing the perverse activities that go on in underground military bases, the public will be outraged and demand an immediate stop to this depravity.


According to Project Avatar, in less than 30 years, the public will embrace both human cloning and microchip implant technology, in which, they say, a human brain is transplanted at the end of one's life into the body of an avatar, presumably, an enhanced clone version of yourself.

According to Marshall, this has already been done. He claims that in addition to human cloning, microchip implant technology was developed in order to attain immortality. In the 1940’s, a group of powerful elite wanted to live forever and they funded the research that led to microchip implant technology. By recording a person's consciousness on a chip before they died, scientists were able to insert this microchip into a precise location and upload all of their memories into a clone brain. They found however, that using clones for microchip brain implants was not ideal, as clone behavior can become erratic and unreliable. The problem was solved by stealing the body of another. The stolen brain uploads the inserted memories and new programming begins to run. The victim has been successfully bodysnatched by microchip technology, allowing the dead to live on and on. These microchipheads now live among us, hopping from body to body, in essence, living forever.

As shown in the 2015 science fiction film Self/Less whereby using advanced technology, a wealthy, dying man uploads his memories into the brain of another, giving him more time to fulfill his potential. However, he discovers that immortality has some side effects when he begins to access his new brain's previous memories and learns that a man was murdered in order to supply his new body.

It's not science fiction, Marshall claims, but reality among elite members of the Illuminati who never die, but simply go on to the next body, this includes powerful world leaders, the rich and powerful, many royals and many well known celebrities who, according to Marshall still slither the earth wearing new bodies and identities.

However, according to Marshall, microchip implant technology is a dead-end tech, deeply flawed and cannot be corrected, despite decades of efforts by Illuminati scientists all over the world. For some reason, microchipheads have difficulty controlling basic impulses, and revert to primitive, caveman-like behavior, with a tendency to attack small children and engage in depraved acts of cannibalism. Which begs the question: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? How do you want to be remembered? According to Marshall, dead is better.

Marshall calls for a complete ban on all microchip brain implant technology, calling it immoral and unethical. One can only wonder why those that endorse the Avatar 2045 initiative would try to promote a technology they know is hopelessly flawed, unless they simply want to profit by creating a billion-dollar market selling immortality to those afraid to die.

Bodysnatching for the Rich and Famous

What would you do if you could live forever? asks the 2015 scifi thriller Self/less, in which dying billionaire Damian Hayes (Ben Kingsley) undergoes a radical medical procedure that transfers his consciousness into the body of a healthy young man (Ryan Reynolds). By "shedding" his sick, aging body for a new, artificially-grown model, Hayes is offered, for a price, more time to fulfill his potential.

Who doesn't want to live forever? asks Dr. Albright of Phoenix Biogenics, a research facility specializing in the science of human consciousness transfer. He explains to Hayes that by "shedding" his consciousness into an empty vessel, he will be able to access the very best of the human experience. When he hesitates, Dr. Albright replies that Hayes never asks the right question: what would you give to achieve eternal life?

If we were able to "shed" our old, sick bodies at the end of our lives, and start over with new healthy ones, would we?

According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, this technology exists today for the privileged members of the Illuminati who never die; they just steal someone's body and live forever. Marshall calls it bodysnatching, and claims that this has been in practice within elite circles around the world for decades.

Marshall claims that by utilizing top-secret microchip technology, scientists can download the consciousness from the brain onto a microchip and then transfer the data by implanting the microchip into another brain and simply uploading the information. This way, the world elite never die, they simply snatch a new body and live on.

Known as mind uploading, the microchip allows them access to the memories of the new brain, which helps them interface with their new body, but make no mistake, the original personality has been replaced, shut down while the new upgrade completely takes over.

According to Marshall, the Illuminati are always searching for fresh young bodies they procure from anywhere and everywhere, from places such as hospitals, long-term healthcare facilities, rehab centers, prisons, in fact, anywhere people are locked in, drugged up, or tuned out, can provide opportunities for bodysnatching. Marshall claims all this takes place with the support of the Illuminati members embedded within all levels of law enforcement, legal and medical professions.

And don't think you're safe from being bodysnatched just because you're one of them. The Illuminati even steal bodies from among their own member base since there are always fresh new faces joining all the time. Marshall explains that young people agree to join with the promise of fame and fortune. What they are not told, Marshall says, is that their physical body can also be included in the deal.

Should a privileged member decide that your body looks fun and lively, they might just bodysnatch you and hand over your body as a reward for faithful service. This is especially true should your fame and popularity start to fade over time. Your TV show get cancelled? Not selling out stadiums anymore? Well, you still look mighty cute to the old and sick shopping for their next body.

Marshall claims that many famous celebrities and well-known politicians are still with us, in a manner of speaking, unrecognizable however, wearing the body suit of some poor, unfortunate soul.

According to Marshall, life as a microchiphead comes with quite a few surprises. For reasons unknown, elite scientists have been unable to design out the tendency for chipheads to revert to a primitive state and take sport in hurting, hunting and eating people, including children. So, you come back alright, explains Marshall, but you come back as a sick, twisted pervert. How's that for a legacy to leave behind?

Marshall says that the world elite don't get too hung-up over questions about right or wrong; it's more like what can they get away with and since they place their members within all levels of every field in society, they can get away with a lot.

So, to return to the premise of the film: What does immortality feel like? Perhaps we are still asking the wrong question; just because we can, doesn't mean we should.

Donald Marshall exposes the practice of bodysnatching and calls for the immediate deactivation of all microchipheads worldwide.

The Man Who Sold the World

"The Man Who Sold the World", a song written by pop legend David Bowie, and the title track of his third album, was released in the U.S. in November 1970. This song has been covered by a number of artists, notably by Lulu in 1974, and Nirvana in 1993. Bowie has never explained the meaning of the song. When asked about the song during a interview on BBC Radio 1 in 1997, Bowie replied, "I guess I wrote it because there was a part of myself that I was looking for... You have this great searching, this great need to find out who you really are."

In the song, the narrator passes a man upon the stair, they speak briefly and, shaking hands, they part. However, the narrator does not return home, but continues to roam for years and years, until, in his searching, he loses himself to the point where he wonders if he himself has died, alone, a long, long time ago.

We are left wondering who is the man on the stair? What, in the course of their conversation, did he say that would affect the narrator so profoundly that he embarks on a search for meaning that would take him the rest of his life, and even beyond...

We believe this song describes an encounter the young pop star may have had at the cloning center as a REM-driven clone, and it is our opinion that the man on the stair is none other than the late German Chancellor Adolf Hitler.

According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, top-secret experiments in human cloning have been conducted for decades in deep underground military bases around the world. Marshall claims that when he goes to bed at night, his consciousness is stolen while he sleeps and held hostage until his body wakes up.

Known as R.E.M-Driven Consciousness Transfer, Marshall maintains that elite scientists use this top-secret technology to transfer his individual consciousness from his residence in Eastern Canada, into his identical clone at a cloning center hundreds of miles away. He explains that this consciousness transfer happens almost every night, even though his real body never leaves the room and continues to sleep throughout the night.

We imagine that David Bowie would have been required to attend cloning as a famous young pop star in the 1970s. According to Marshall,  all members of the Illuminati have clones and attend the cloning center nightly, including celebrities, star athletes, politicians; in fact, any person of influence in every field you can imagine. Marshall claims they are forced to meet every night to discuss business, plan future events and engage in perverse sex parties and sick acts of depravity.

Perhaps the song describes the events that occurred one night at the cloning center, as Bowie was about to climb the stadium steps to return to his seat in the arena, when the singer is surprised to find Hitler descending the same stairs.

We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long long time ago

We believe this provides the correct interpretation of the song's lyric: even though I wasn't there... because, in truth, Bowie's real body was not there, but back home, sleeping.

The young singer speaks of was and when, believing the official account that Hitler committed suicide in 1945 alone, a long, long time ago.

Even at the time, there were questions as to whether Hitler was alive or dead. Hours after Joseph Stalin was informed of Hitler's suicide, he wanted the corpse found. Although the apparent remains of Hitler and wife, Eva Braun, were later discovered in a shell crater by Red Army Intelligence, questions remained: Was this actually Hitler's corpse?

In the years immediately following 1945, the Russians maintained that Hitler was not dead, but had fled and was being shielded by their former western allies. The chief of the U.S. trial counsel at Nuremberg, Thomas J. Dodd, when asked about Hitler's death, said: "No one can say he is dead." When President Harry S. Truman asked Stalin at the Potsdam Conference in August 1945 whether or not Hitler was dead, Stalin replied bluntly, "No".

Some believe that Hitler did not commit suicide, but instead escaped from Berlin to Argentina, where he lived in hiding until the early 1960s.

"Oh no, not me," The man exclaims, "We never lost control..."

In the song, the man brags that not only did he not die, but we never lost control. Who is the we the man refers to?

We believe the man is referring to the Nazis of the Third Reich.

According to Marshall, the Nazi Party is alive and well today, with many members within the Illuminati, including royal families, Heads of State and even U.S. Presidents, all secretly loyal to the Nazi Party. 

It is well known that many brilliant Nazi scientists relocated to the United States directly after the war. Operation Paperclip was a U.S. Intelligence program in which over 1,500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany were brought to the United States after World War II.

Public records were expunged of any Nazi Party affiliations and false employment histories and political biographies were created for the scientists in order to obtain security clearances from the U.S. Government to work in the United States. Marshall claims the Nazis never lost the war and are still in control today. 

But what to make of the line "You're face to face with the man who sold the world...?"

For how can one sell the entire world, and to whom would he sell it?

Is it possible that the lyrics refer to an agreement that the Nazis are reported to have made with an ancient race of aliens toward the end of the war, in exchange for advanced technology?

According to Marshall, the Nazis would receive valuable technology, e.g. flying aircraft, ray-gun weaponry and in exchange the Nazis would build deep underground military bases to provide the aliens with easy access to humans, whom they hunt, terrorize and consume. This agreement is still honored today, where aliens interact with humans deep underground, far away from public knowledge.

When the Nazis made a pact to partner with this ancient race of aliens, they, in effect, sold out the world...

After speaking for a few moments, the narrator bids farewell to the man on the stairs:

I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched through foreign lands
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
I walked a million years

I must have died alone
A long, long time ago

The song ends with the narrator, not returning home, but instead wandering through foreign lands, unclear if he, himself, has died a long, long time ago.

One might ask: How is it possible that someone like Hitler, could be dead for years, yet still live on in deep underground military bases?

Marshall explains that the Illuminati can decide who they wish to keep alive by utilizing top-secret technology, not disclosed to the public. In these cases, elite scientists use microchip technology to download one's memories, abilities and personality onto a microchip, which is then implanted into the brain of a fresh, new clone grown specifically for this purpose. As each clone degrades with time, one simply body-hops to the next clone.

It's not just Hitler, Marshall claims, but many world leaders from the past, live on as chipheads at the cloning center, where they still control the world from the shadows. 

Marshall cautions, however, that this microchip implant technology is deeply flawed and comes with serious side effects. However flawed, though, Illuminati members still use the tech to cheat death so that they can, theoretically, live forever.

Marshall reports that many are stuck there at the cloning center, held hostage by advanced science and technology, under the control of a secret alien race. Artists and musicians like David Bowie do what they can to embed references into their work, hoping the public will one day put the pieces together and recognize their cry for help.

Obama Says U.S. Under Alien Control?

In the 1996 scifi blockbuster, Independence Day, a race of powerful aliens launch an all-out invasion against the human race. The story begins when communication systems worldwide are sent into chaos by a strange atmospheric interference. The military soon learns that a number of enormous objects are on a collusion course with Earth. First thought to be meteors, the objects are later revealed to be gigantic spacecraft. Piloted by an alien species with vastly superior technology, their goal is to invade and destroy Earth. Within hours, the aliens have all but obliterated major capitals around the world: New York, Washington, D.C., London and Moscow.

The idea of an alien invasion is a common theme in science fiction stories and films in which extraterrestrials invade Earth to exterminate human life, to harvest humans for food, steal the planet's resources, or destroy the planet altogether.

Most well-known alien invasion scenarios involve aliens landing on Earth, destroying or abducting people, fighting and defeating Earth's military forces, and destroying Earth's major cities.

There is no need to search the skies for invading aliens. Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall says that we're already invaded, only the aliens are already here, or rather, they never left.

According to Marshall, what the vast majority of the public don't know, is that all world events are orchestrated by a secret race of alien overlords that control every aspect of human life from the shadows. Far from new to the planet, they are in fact, an ancient race of sentient beings who have been interacting in the affairs of man since ancient times. Throughout history, they have been called a variety of names, and acknowledged as our gods, guardians, and creators.

As in the past, these aliens still interact with select groups of individuals who are chosen to further their plans for humanity. These groups include royal bloodlines, prominent wealthy families, influential members of finance, banking, media and entertainment, and the leaders of religions and political parties. They decide who wins every election, who holds any position of power, and which country wins any war.   



In early 1966, Gerald Ford's home state of Michigan experienced a variety of unusual UFO sightings. Ford, then congressman, became outraged with the Air Force's investigation of the reports and called for a full Congressional UFO inquiry. In response, Congress held an open hearing on UFOs and promised to conduct an impartial, civilian investigation. Later, however, the investigation was bungled and determined a "fiasco", presumably because of apparent bias against UFOs. Once elected president 8 years later, Ford would not publicly address the issue of UFOs again.



While on the campaign trail, presidential candidate and Georgia Senator Jimmy Carter told a reporter for the National Enquirer, "If I ever become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFOs sightings available to the public, and the scientists". Carter was known as the "UFO President" for reporting his own sighting of a strange craft and for his full support of NASA programs to search for intelligent extraterrestrial life. However, once elected in 1977, President Carter never did make classified reports on UFOs available to the public, and while in office, never mentioned the subject again.



In 1985, President Ronald Reagan, President Mikhail Gorbachev of the U.S.S.R. and other world leaders met for the first summit in Geneva, where Reagan told soviet leaders that if we were to discover "some alien life form that was going to attack the Earth,... then that knowledge would unite all the peoples of the world".

One year later, President Reagan, addressing the United Nations, said  "And yet I ask: is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our people then war and the threat of war?"

According to Marshall, Reagan tried to warn the public on numerous occasions, referring to alien threats and alien invasions. He states that the Illuminati forgave Reagan's comments at first, but when he continued to talk about aliens living among us, they "blew his mind and called it Alzheimer's".



Who better qualified to know top-secret classified information about UFOs and aliens than President George Bush, former Director of Central Intelligence for President Ford, in charge of giving intelligence briefings to the President during the Carter Administration and during the Reagan Administration as Vice-President.

During his presidential campaign in 1988, George Bush was once asked by a reporter if he intended to tell the truth about UFOs? He replied that he would, if he could find it. Bush asked the reporter to send him some information about it. The reporter responded that since Bush was a CIA man, he should already "know all that stuff". Bush agreed saying, "I know some. I know a fair amount."



In a 2014 appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, President Clinton talks about possible alien life in the universe and explains how an alien invasion would unite mankind.

If I were president, and I won't be, let's be honest... the first thing I would do, after putting my hand on that bible and taking that oath to serve the country is, I would probably not even finish the oath... I would run to the White House, I'd demand to see all the classified files on UFOs 'cause I want to know, I'd want to know what has been going on. Did you do that?

Sort of
(studio laughter)

We had... I think it was at the beginning of my second term, we had the anniversary of Roswell...

You waited that long...?

I did


Well, I did and didn't. There's also Area 51. You remember there was a great scifi movie where there was an alien kept deep under the ground in Area 51..?

If you saw that there were aliens there, would you tell us?


You would?

Clinton: (nodding)
I would.
(studio applauds)

So, I said Look, what do we know? We know there are billions of stars and planets, literally, out there. And the universe is getting bigger. We know from our fancy telescopes that in the last two years, more than 20 planets have been identified outside our solar system that seem to be far enough away from their suns and dense enough that they might be able to support some form of life, so it makes it increasingly less likely that we're alone.

Oh, you're trying to give me a hint that there are aliens...
(studio laughter)

No, I'm trying to tell you that I don't know... If we were visited someday, I wouldn't be surprised. I just hope it's not like Independence Day, the movie... you know... a conflict... the only way to unite us in this incredibly divided world of ours. If they're out there, we better think of how all the differences among the people on Earth would seem small if we felt threatened by a space invader. That's the whole theory of Independence Day.

You're right, you're right...

Everybody gets together and makes nice.



During the 2000 presidential campaign,  George W. Bush was asked by a reporter if he were elected President, would he disclose the truth about UFOs. Bush replied "Sure. I will... It will be the first thing he (pointing to vice-presidential running mate, Dick Cheney) will do. He'll get right on it." However, once in office, President Bush would not make UFO disclosure a high priority, and, during his administration, no new evidence or information would be released to the public.



In March 12, 2015, President Barack Obama was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live, where he talks about the recent police shootings in Ferguson, Missouri and race relations in America. As he wraps up the interview, Kimmel does his best to get the President to talk about aliens.

So, this is something I feel like, if I was president... it's unlikely that is ever going to happen, you never know, if I was the president...

It was unlikely that I was going to be president...
(studio laughter)

The moment I was inaugurated... my hand would just be... still be hot from touching the bible and I would immediately race to wherever they have the files about Area 51 and UFOs and I'd go through everything to find out what happened... Did you do that?

That's why you will not be president...
'cause that's the first thing that you would do...
(They both laugh).

Obama (con't.)
The aliens won't let it happen... You'll reveal all their secrets... They exercise strict control over us.

Now, you know there's a lot of people who will examine your facial expressions here, every twitch and everything and say, of course...
(Obama laughs. Kimmel continues)

Did you look, did you see, explore...?

I can't reveal anything.

Oh, really? Because President Clinton said, he did go right there and he did check and there was nothing.

Well, you know, that's what we're instructed to say...
(studio laughter)

All right, all right

Could it be possible, that once in office, these U.S. Presidents discover the truth about who really controls the power in this country? Have they  been threatened into silence and now follow orders to stay alive?

Marshall states that our planet has been ruled for centuries by aliens who hide in the shadows. He claims that the only hope for humanity lies in spreading this news far and wide: We are not free and never were.

Queen Elizabeth Found Guilty in Case of Missing Children

On February 25, 2013 six international judges found Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia. The children left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10, 1964, and their grieving parents haven't seen them since.

The order to arrest the Queen was issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, after nearly a year of litigation. This prosecution concerned 50,000 missing native Canadian children and included a 1964 kidnapping case that implicated the Queen.

The four month long trial found Pope Joseph Ratzinger, Queen Elizabeth and forty other global elites guilty of crimes against humanity. The guilty verdict may have even influenced the surprising resignation of the Pope, which was announced later that same week.

In 2011, forensic evidence of at least 31 mass grave sites with human remains had been discovered on the grounds of former Indian Residential Schools. Despite government efforts to discredit and conceal evidence from the public, Kevin Annett, founder of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, maintains that this evidence provides proof that the Crown of England, the Vatican and the Canadian government are directly responsible for the deaths of more than 50,000 children across Canada. At the time of their disappearance, the children were attending church-owned Indian Residential Schools, which were in operation from the 1840s to the 1990s.

It would seem that several incarcerations and even a death appear to surround the Queen Elizabeth 1964 kidnapping case.

Former Kamloops School resident William Combes died after a 2010 radio interview where he discussed witnessing Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip leave the school with ten friends and fellow Kamloops residents.

Combes was the sole survivor of a group of three native boys who claim to have witnessed the abduction during a royal visit to a residential school in mid-October 1964, when both the Queen and Prince Philip were in Canada.

According to Combes, "In October 1964, when I was 12 years old, I was an inmate at the Kamloops school and we were visited by the Queen of England and Prince Philip. I remember it was strange because they came by themselves, no big fanfare or nothing. But I recognized them and the school principal told us it was the Queen and we all got given new clothes and good food for the first time in  months the day before she arrived.

The day the Queen got to the school, I was part of a group of kids that went on a picnic with her and her husband and some of the priests, down to a meadow near Dead Man's Creek. I remember it was weird because we all had to bend down and kiss her foot, a white laced boot.

After a while, I saw the Queen leave the picnic with ten children from the school, and those kids never returned. We never heard anything more about them and never met them again... they all vanished."

Directly after this interview, Combes, in apparent good health, was ordered to report for tests at the Vancouver St. Paul's Catholic Hospital. There he was given an injection that put him into a coma. Within hours and without the consent of family members, Combes was pulled off life support and died of a still-undisclosed cause. The Vancouver Coroner's Office refuses to comment on Combes' death.

Apparently, even inquiring into the status of the case against the Queen can be hazardous to your health, as British soldier Vivian Cunningham discovered when he innocently questioned a senior officer about the Queen's outstanding arrest warrant. Cunningham was immediately committed to a mental care unit in Stafford, England where he was injected with an anti-psychotic drug olanzapine. The soldier then spent six months at the St. George Hospital Psychiatric Unit with a diagnosis of suffering from an acute psychotic episode. Cunningham was released after public outcry.

According to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, elite members like the Royal family never face prosecution, even if found guilty of a crime. What's more, the public never finds out about these crimes because they would be covered by a complete media black-out of all news outlets.

Marshall explains that this is because the Illuminati believe that they are above the law and are essentially untouchable. By placing those loyal to them in positions of power, elite members can commit any crime they want with impunity, knowing that they will never need to answer for it. Marshall reports that there is a vast network of Illuminati members employed as high-ranking police officers, judges and doctors ready and willing to hide any crime from ever reaching the public. 

Marshall claims that years ago, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip told him about how they would visit native orphanages in Western Canada and kill kids for sport. They described how they would strangle the children and watch them die. Philip even described how he would tie a boy up and crush his testicles in one hand, while choking the boy to death with the other. Marshall realizes that this sounds unbelievable; how could someone do something like that to children? Marshall replies that he doesn't know why they did this, only that they said they target native children because they receive less attention when they go missing.

Marshall maintains that Illuminati members are not above the law and cannot be allowed to get away with murder. He calls for immediate justice for the tragic loss of so many innocent young lives.

The Fast and Furious Death of Paul Walker

On November 30, 2013, actor Paul Walker was killed when the car he was riding in crashed into a light pole and burst into flames. He was 40.

Walker gained international fame for his portrayal of Brian O'Conner, an undercover police officer infiltrating a street-racing gang in the 2001 blockbuster "The Fast and the Furious." The box-office success of the surprise summer hit yielded numerous sequels to become Universal Picture's biggest franchise of all time. At the time of his death, Walker was working on the seventh installment of the series, due out later the next year.

Walker and friend, Roger Rodas, had just left a fundraising event in Valencia, California held by Walker's charity, Reach Out Worldwide, to benefit victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. The high speed crash caused a huge explosion that could be seen for miles, all recorded on a security camera that captured the precise moment of impact. The bodies were so badly burned they could only be identified by dental records.

Both deaths have been ruled an accident, although speed may have been a factor, according to the Los Angeles Times. Walker's family proceeded to sue Porsche for negligence, wrongful death and product liability, claiming that faulty mechanics of the high-performance sports car, the Porsche Carrera GT, caused the tragic crash.

Almost immediately, however, conspiracy theories about the accident began to surface on the internet and other online news sources, speculating as to whether Walker's death was truly an accident. The various theories ranged from the belief that Walker had been silenced before he had the chance to reveal crucial information to the public to the possibility that his death served as a warning to others who might be tempted to speak out as well.

In fact, for years rumors had circulated during the filming of the "Fast and Furious" series that members of cast and crew had been threatened to alter the ongoing story line as they had revealed too much about the operations of various C.I.A. "black money" projects such as the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' "Operation Fast and Furious" which allowed the sell of weapons to illegal straw buyers, in order to track the guns to Mexican drug cartel leaders. As of 2011, none of these targeted high-level cartel leaders have ever been arrested.

Another theory as to a motive in the possible murder of Walker focuses on his supposed interest in Bitcoin, a virtual currency exchange that can be traded online without using names and are, therefore, difficult to trace to an individual. Some say that Walker was a huge proponent and investor in Bitcoin, with the unsubstantiated claim that he had invested over $40 million in the company. Conspiracy theorists explain that Bitcoin currency could possibly derail the Illuminati-backed Federal Reserve, who make massive profits from the money printed, as well as other Federal Reserve policies. Therefore, companies like Bitcoin have the potential to wrest the world economy from Illuminati control.

Many speculated that the Illuminati was in the process of shutting down these companies with the arrest of the CEO of Bitcoin, Charlie Shrem and may have led to the suicide of Autumn Radtke, the CEO of First Meta, another virtual currency exchange company. Some believe Walker was just another causality in a bloody war to protect Illuminati control of the world economy.

Other theories range from the belief that Walker was planning to expose information about tainted vaccines being used in the Philippines to the idea that possibly Rodas was the target of a hit ordered by Colombian drug lords he angered by refusing to use the charity to launder drug money in El Salvador. Others even claim that the crash might have been caused by a remote-controlled drone attack and, as evidence, point to the car wreckage blown to pieces.

While it is unknown whether there is any truth in these theories, according to Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall, Walker led a double life as a celebrity Illuminati member and was involved in top-secret cloning operations held in deep underground military bases. Marshall reports having seen Walker in attendance at these secret meetings on numerous occasions over many years.

Marshall explains that all celebrities, politicians and world leaders must agree to join the Illuminati and participate within the organization. This includes attending secret meetings at the  cloning center, the location of which is highly-classified information.

Marshall maintains that elite scientists use this top-secret technology to clone members of the Illuminati and bring them at night to the cloning center. There they sit in the stands of a large hockey arena to discuss global politics, plan future events and watch disgusting things done to innocent people, while their real bodies are at home sleeping.

Donald Marshall has risked his life to speak out about the crimes he claims to have witnessed that take place nightly in deep underground military bases around the world. As a unwilling participant in black military operations since a young child, Marshall has come forward to post his eye-witness accounts of the human cloning technology that he says members of the Illuminati use to meet secretly in high security military bases.

He reports that elite scientists have perfected a technology known as REM consciousness transfer, which allows them to target, capture and transfer an individual consciousness during the REM dream state into an identical clone at a cloning center many hundreds of miles away.

Marshall explains that every night when he goes to sleep, he opens his eyes to find himself at the cloning center. with his consciousness activated in his identical clone body. He claims that his clone body feels "real as real" and that he is stuck there, until his real body wakes up. When that happens, Marshall says that "all goes black" as his clone body drops limp while his consciousness is returned to his real body, and he wakes up back in bed.

It might seem unbelievable, but Marshall states that covert experiments in genetic engineering and human cloning have been conducted by Illuminati scientists in deep, underground military bases for decades. Marshall explains that all celebrities are required to join the Illuminati in exchange for promotion and benefits. Some later regret that decision and wish to leave. However, those are threatened with severe punishment should they even try.

When news of Walker's tragic death spread around the world, many turned to Marshall with questions: Was Walker's death murder or accidental?

Marshall responded that he didn't know, although, he did report that he saw Walker at the cloning center the night after his death.

He explains that the night after the news of Walker's death, he went to sleep that night, and opened his eyes to find himself activated at the cloning center. Marshall said that he was seated in the stands of the stadium arena. Before him, in the center of the dirt pit, he saw Walker, alive again and activated in an identical clone body. Marshall says that Walker was bound and restrained while two men continually punched and stabbed him.

He says that while Walker screamed in pain, many in the stands were crying. He says it was as if all in attendance that night were being forced to watch the torture of Walker as some kind of deterrent. After some time, Marshall was deactivated and he woke up back in bed.

Marshall says that he does not know the purpose for this bloody spectacle, nor has he seen Walker there since.

Many questions remain: Was Walker planning to reveal classified information to the public and was silenced before he could, or does his death serve as a warning to the others not to even think about coming forward with the truth.

Meanwhile, Marshall vows to continue to speak out about top-secret human cloning in deep underground military bases until all cloning centers world-wide are shut down permanently.